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RE: Urban Edens (extremely photo heavy - but worth it if you love gardens)

in #gardening5 years ago

I know it feels strange to get a comment so long after posting :)

The photos are beautiful, but I am writing about soemthing else.

You obviously have a deep appreciation of beauty and you mentioned you work at creating gardens. Is there a special garden when you were inspired and you are proud of? Do you have photos to make a post of it?

If so, I would love to see it.


Hi arthur. I just spent 30 minutes writing a huge response to your comment talking about three particular gardens. Looked at another window to make sure i was spelling a word right came back to find the entire reply gone. I'll retype it up when i have time in a few days. In the meantime, I have some pretty photos on my travel posts titled Island Adventures with Dave.

Thanks - I have already looked at your island photos and I like the way you an relate with the locals, without being patronising. People forget that the most ignorant man, woman or child in the world knows something that only they know.

My father was from Cyprus and when there he would go to a village and sit in a coffee shop and strike up conversations. He did not mind the conversation being about their local worries, like, my goat is not giving me enough milk but it is not old, what should I do? I learnt from dad and did the same and met some of the most delightful people. I do not doubt that if I stayed in the village for a few years I would get to know them well enough not to find them so delightful. I think of it as a sad comment on the way we are programmed by our natures.

I believe you are working hard, landscaping for a client. That is good, as it means you are able to find work doing what you love.

I am glad to have met you and your fiance and I hope we manage to communicate from time to time.
