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RE: Gardening on a Hill.

in #gardening7 years ago

We live at the foot of a mountain and our biggest problem is lack of soil @anise.
@pennsif has been trying to improve the quality of the soil for the vegetables in an organic way as well so all the -cides are not allowed...
I do like flowers and the previous owner of the this house kept bees so we're still fortunate to have a few lovely flowering bushes and hardy ones left... It is a struggle as you say : the kneeling and bending down at odd angles...
I look forward to seeing more of the flowers that you mention because I only know a few names 🌷


Yes, the soil on our hill was lacking in humus and very rocky. Luckily we keep chickens so there is always lots of composted straw and manure to improve the soil. Growing vegetables organically is quite admirable but sometimes impossible to fight off the insect pests! I try to use natural pest control whenever possible but there are times when all else fails..... 😳 I even spend hours hand picking bugs and squishing! Ugh!