SeeThe Development of Some Seeds in my Garden During The Summer

in #gardening7 years ago

Given today's temps, summer has officially come to a screeching halt. It was good while it lasted but now I'm in fall garden mode: saving seeds, tidying up beds, harvesting and planting veggie babies. Potential for frost tonight and tomorrow night so keep those Row covers handy.

Just picked several hundred cucamelons. I will save seeds from any over-mature ones.


 Fall greens! Love the mild mustard kick that Green Frills and Purple Frills give to salads.

 Still so much Basil and Red Profusion zinnias. Time to harvest the Basil before it's killed by frost.

My Dolce Fresca Basil that I grew from seed. I've got about 20 plants and they are still producing heavily. Time to harvest and freeze for winter. Simply the BEST variety!

 Also saving seeds from nasturtiums, calendula and pole beans. This is Purple Peacock, a prolific heirloom variety.


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