First Fruits: Giddy in the Garden
It happens every year. I become giddy in the garden with the delight of a toddler when "the first" of anything is ripe enough to sample. Today's selection of fruits: sugar snap pea, cherry tomato, raspberry, and strawberry (yes, these are botanically all fruits, or "aggregate" fruits, as in the raspberry and strawberry). I savor each fruit individually, allowing all flavor to melt away completely before moving onto the next burst of sun-warmed deliciousness.
What fruits or veggies do you enjoy eating off the vine?
Snap peas and blueberries are favorite. get yourself a blueberry bush any way possible, from seed or order from nursery, pays itself off quickly.
Absolutely! Can't wait until the blueberries start ripening...we have about 30 bushes :)
have you ever grown a bush from seed?
How do you keep your berries protected from birds and such?
Nice sample platter you got there. Snap peas and cherry tomatoes are always a great gardenside snack.
Yum, yum! Thanks for looking, @renodakota :)
Thanks for sharing! I know firsthand how exciting those first harvests are, you want to show everyone, like "look what I grew!".
Joy in the little things :)
Anything that doesn't need cooking... peas, all berries, apples, bush beans!
I agree! Lunch or dessert around here is sometimes a stroll through the garden :)
The first fruits of the season are always the best. I am still waiting for my tomatoes to ripen, I have picked some green peppers and jalapenos.
I am envious that you're already picking peppers! We had a late frost (June 15) that killed our first pepper planting (some of then already had nice-sized fruits, because we started them in a cold frame).