Gardening is a Delicious Hobby! #3

in #gardening7 years ago

Will a few minutes a day growing and eating food in our gardens help us feel better today, prevent most of the leading causes of death, and give us delicious tasting food to eat with a direct connection to the Earth? For me the answer is a big YES especially after reading the book How Not To Die as recommended by my Uncle Joe who is a medical doctor with his own practice and asks all of his patients to read it on his first visit.

Executive summary for How Not To Die: A whole plant based diet (fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains, herbs, and spices) has been proven in hundreds of studies to prevent all 15 of the top causes of death AND in my experience helps me avoid 90% of bad moods especially depression AND helps me maintain a ridiculously high energy level all day every day.

I am very grateful today that at 33 years old after a year and a half of eating mostly vegan on a whole plant based diet, I realized instead of buying ten pounds of fruits and vegetables at the store each week, I might be better off growing some of my own! Will you take a look through my third gardening update because I was inspired to start my own garden reading posts just like this on Steem? If you missed the first two posts in this series ...

Part 1
Part 2

To begin, here is a look at me with my tomato plants in the background and cages to help them grow higher!


After beginning my garden and starting to scale it up, I made several more big trips to Home Depot for a new hose, fertilizer (plant based), more soil, and a composter!


I also ordered a worm bin for additional composing because we a garden as big as we are making and with as many fruits and vegetables as I eat, we have a large capacity for composting!


Madeleine helped me hold the door open for the shed where the worm composter is!


After building my own fence in the last post to keep the dogs out, I added a whole new section of the garden to plant potatoes and carrots!


A look inside one of the potato bags.


On the other side of the garden, we added the fertilizer to the kale plants to help them grow.


I feel the same way as Madeleine as I try to get everything planned perfectly.


Building the composter took a couple hours one Sunday listening to an electronic dance music video on YouTube recommended by a friend.


Madeleine helped me fill up the first side with leaves and we started adding the extra parts of our fruits and vegetables right away!


A few weeks later, the kale starts to come up and we begin eating it right away straight off the plant!


Meanwhile we actually hit a low near freezing one night in Saint Petersburg, Florida which left the pepper plants looking like they just heard one of my songs.


Just before bolting, the spinach plants were producing like crazy and were delicious to just pick straight off and eat!


Thank you to each author on Steem that inspired me to start my own garden and now spend time in it every day! I am amazed at what a rewarding hobby this is from the beginning and am grateful I will soon have more updates for you from the garden!

Jerry Banfield


I like gardening. Its so refreshing just to look at the green colour. You have good space for gardening. Hopefully one day crypto will earn me enough profit to buy a house with a big garden and eat fresh fruits.

Yea takes away from having to trust a farmer! Grow it yourself!


what the hell is going on in this meme, is the farmer beating the cow? wouldnt be the first, looks like it by the cows eyes!

"Agriculture is not so much work as skill and art.
It is necessary to find time to perceive and comprehend your experience".
Rudolf Steiner

Love gardening my self @Jerrybanfield
Never tried spinat though, so going to mak it a project this summer. Thx for the tip :)

Second post on Veganism today. Steemit is really steeming with Vegans. Love it :)

Well, I disagree with your meme. But love this post. Nameste


You are far from superior.


Vegans don't know what that means...
Because they are never at full energy level to compute.

I understand how that garbage meme that bitbulls posted could be insulting, and that kind of elitism is bad, no matter where it is applied. However, your ill-informed rebuttal strikes the same cord.

I was neither offended,

Nor give a fuck if I offended.

One opinion... and another opinion.

Followed by your over exaggeration and delusional view.

Since dealing in absolutes is complete madness, opinions are indeed all that we have. However, some opinions are more informed than others, and simply based on your language, coupled with how you chose to express yourself one can only assume you were either offended or ill-informed.

You try too hard man.. and by the end of your dribble.. the point is lost.
Try to shorten it so that you can have some effect.

One can assume what they like.
Does not mean anything.
That belief existed in your mind and in your mind alone.

^ See what I mean.

  • First line: Referencing your point without reciting it.
  • Second line: Dismantling it as nonsensical.
  • Third line: Clarifying it's insignificance and non impact.

I like you, you rise to a challenge.
So take these as constructive tips,
Because I know what the fuck I'm talking about.

You tell me to shorten my response, yet you make yours twice as long. Then you imply I have some beliefs, yet I never even disclosed my position to you. And then you proceed to self-proclaim your victory. And all that is justified in your mind because you know what you're talking about? I see. :)

Well I had to school your ass.

The three lines would have been the ONLY reply if I didn't care about my pupils.
And beliefs is what you stated.. idiot.. not your fucken personal beliefs... shiit.. !

I'm close to sending you to the time out corner.. check yourself little timmy !!

And YES.... this mind is superior enough to make definitive statements.

The benefits of being GODLY.

You do realize you're just spewing insults right? You've been doing that since your first reply on this thread. If you think that's "schooling" I can only imagine what a hard upbringing you must have had. I truly feel bad for you and sincerely wish you all the best.

Back to nature.
If you have the will, you will have the time.
Naturally the benefit belongs to the hard working steemian.
Wish one day I can do that.
Keep on steemin'

Gardening is very exciting. It feels wonderful to see plants growing. Great post @jerrybanfield and my love to the cute kid.

This is great and exactly what I'm going to be doing one day. Growing your own food is so important, it really empowers you to become self-sufficient. I love the idea of worms. No waste for food scraps, feed it to the worms!

Gardening is a healthy hobby. Usually, we are doing an organic gardening that is less in chemical and pesticides unlike to that vege from the market which is rich in pesticides.

You should throw some cannabis seeds in those pots!

Living off the land is ideal way of being free and independent. Awesome job.

Nice hobby. Chils is so cute))