Container Gardening: Planted Some Bunching Onions

in #gardening8 years ago (edited)

Today I planted some bunching onions in a container. The seed packet said to place each seed a couple centimeters apart. I decided to plant them in groups of about 8 seeds every 8 centimeters instead. I saw this method on a Youtube video and liked the idea. The stalks don't need to be thinned, so I can grow a large number of onions plants in a small area. Well, that's my plan anyway.

Here is the container filled with potting soil. The container is fairly shallow so I filled it nearly to the top. The soil is a bagged mix I bought at the local home and garden store. It looks like pretty good dirt. I gave the soil a good drenching yesterday afternoon.


The seeds are from Kitazawa Seed Co. in California. Their prices are a bit high, but they carry an excellent selection of Asian seeds.


Here is the back of the seed packet. As you can see, I've had these seeds for a few years. We'll see how well they germinate. Onions are a hardy species, so I am not too worried. Also, it looks as though these are best for the cool season, but I'll be growing through a hot summer. That's two strikes against me.


I used a ruler and a chopstick to make holes about 8 cm apart and 1 to 2 cm deep. Once again, ignoring the seed packet instructions :).


I added a small amount of rock dust to each planting hole. This is a very fine dust derived from basalt rock that provides a ready supply of valuable minerals to the plant and soil. I've had good luck with it so far. I also mix with water and use for foliage feeding every few days. The brand I use is 'C.B.D. Minerals – Cali Basalt'.

rock dust

After adding the rock dust, I am ready to sow the seeds. The picture came out a bit blurry :(. With 8 seeds per hole and 20 holes, I have the potential for up to 160 onion plants. We'll see how that works out.

enter image description here

Getting dark out as I sew the seeds; adds to the challenge.

enter image description here

Finally, I covered the seeds with a bit of soil and added some water.

enter image description here

Mission complete, now its up to Mother Nature. Onion seeds are slow to germinate, so I don't expect any sprouts for at least a week, if not two. I am guessing my spacing is probably too close. I'll probably have to thin every other bunch once they grow up a bit.

enter image description here

#gardening #vegetable-gardening


I hope you are not growing cucumbers in the flat :)

No sir, have the cukes in a deeper container.

In the flat, hopefully I'll get some onions like these: