Stages of Planting Dates

in #gardening6 years ago


Hay steemian friend, come back meet me again @myart , many benefits from planting dates. because the date is a blessed tree. at least if not yet be fruitful, planting dates become part of the living sunah.

Growing dates in Indonesia is not easy. The reason, maybe a lot of people who have been doing dates but did not succeed. In this case, not a date palm tree can not be planted in Indonesia. There are even some people who do cultivation in Indonesia. Dates are the fruit of this middle-eastern origin is already familiar. Its existence is very popular, especially when the fasting month arrives. Many people who make this fruit as a meal when breaking the fast, souvenir when new coming from hajj / umroh, even serve as medicine. The benefits of this great date make many people want to plant it in their area, especially Indonesia.

Here I make a guide to plant dates based on my own experience. if anyone wants to share his experience can also comment below.

Steps to Planting Dates

To plant this palm tree, there are several steps you can take. Here are the steps.

- Setting Up a Date For a Nursery

To plant a date palm can start from providing the seeds. Seeds can come from seeds. Store dates usually provide seeds for this nursery. From this seed, the date palms will be planted. Prepared date seeds, then done soaking. Immersion can be done within 2 × 24 hours or more


- Cleaning Date Seed from Fruits Remnants

The remnants of the flesh that stick to the seeds can cause the growth of fungi, or can invite ants and white lice to eat and damage the seeds before germinating.
So the seeds of dates are cleaned.


The way to clean the date palm from the remnants of the meat is to wash it using water and fine sand, until the seed condition is completely clean from the remains of meat.

- Soaking / Soaking the Seeds

After the date palm washed clean, the next step is to soak or soak the seeds using clean water klo kt using mineral water in packs up to 5 x 24 hours. Water to soak the date palm every 24 hours should be replaced with new water, to speed up the process of seed germination on the fourth day should use a mixture of water and MAXIGROW (as Organic Grower) adjust by the dose.



To reduce the level of failure in seed germination, should avoid using water sourced from PDAM, this is because the water is channeled by the taps contain chloride content and less precise for seed germination process.

Use uncontaminated well water or best use Mineral Water in packaging.

- Seed Germination Process

At the stage or germination process you can do with two methods, namely seed seed that has passed the step of soaking 5 days earlier, can be directly sowing on pots using cocopeat and sand mixture in a thin cap using cocopeat. Or seeds grown / dikecambahkan roots first using a container / tupperware coated wet tissue on the bottom and then close tightly and store in a dark place.


The process of germination using wet tissue usually takes 2-4 weeks, after growing with a 5-10 cm root roots newly transferred to the plant medium, be it using a pot or polybag.

Another way that can be done is to seed the seeds directly soaked using pots, without going through the germination process first, after growing a new leaf moving process in polybags.


- Media Planting for Seed Dates

Mixture of planting medium for date palm seeds should use materials that have a nice porosity, meaning that the media to plant date palms when watered then the water immediately fell entirely. Mixture of planting media using Sand, Compost (bokashi), cocopeat and rice husk charcoal, but the mixture is not raw, we can use other materials that have the best porosity. For comparison the mixture of planting media is 2: 1: 1 (sand 2, Compost 1 and chaff charcoal 1).


A good mix of planting media includes nutrient needs for plants to accelerate the growth of dates into bongsor. This is because the average type of palm palm has a growing power speed is moderate
until very slow if the sufficiency of all types of nutrients and irrigation factors is less.

- Move to Polybag

After the size of shoots large enough, move from the previous container to another container, eg polybag or small pot. Provide a suitable planting medium for the removal of these seeds. Then after the leaves grow approximately ½ m move the date palm to the land or yard that has been prepared.


- Pollination

The palm tree will not bear fruit if not done pengebungan (mated between male and female dates). In this case of course needed the pollination process that can be done through the wind and insects. Pollination can also be done in its own way by tying male and female flowers. Then continued by threshing male pollen into the female.




- Maintenance of Date Palms

When the date palms are already fruiting, do some maintenance. This can be done by giving him fertilizer and avoiding the disturbance of birds and flies. In addition, you pruning can also be done to keep the fruit dates are large. Small fruits of dates are discarded so that large fruit grows better.


Things to know are dates can grow in hot and dry climates and are tolerant of alkaline and salt soils. However, the condition of the soil should still have enough water. The average temperature for the dates to grow is 12.7- 27.50C. Can last up to 500C. While the pollination to maturation, the ideal temperature is from the range 21-270C.



If you think this is useful, please share it and we can learn together about planting dates, I am very happy to share and hope you all my friends like this post article, it is very rare to plant dates and therefore I try to display this post on #homesteading.
Probably enough until here my explanation about the technique of planting dates, greetings parted from me @myart, for my attention I say la you and thanks.