Back to the Garden

in #gardening7 years ago


Hey guys! Long time no post. I moved a few months ago, so I’ve been adjusting to my new surroundings, but I finally got to planting some stuff. 68E22F03-FBA0-4A17-A2EB-A6A6D2301740.jpeg

These are strawberries and little lettuce seedlings. There should be spinach in there too, but the snails keep eating all of the seedlings!


The tomatoes were all bought from a local college plant sale, but I have 6 or so growing from seeds that are still tiny. The peas I planted are going great, but I want to wait until they are stronger before I put them in the ground. I know the snails love them too!

What about you? Growing anything good? Here is one of my garden companions:

I love all of the life in this backyard. There are so many types of birds, butterflies, and lizards. What do you like to plant? Any ideas to keep the snails at bay that doesn’t involve poison? Thanks for reading.


Yes. I was going to say egg shells until I saw the other guys post. They can't crawl over them because they get cut. Egg shells are the equivalent of broken glass to us.

Wow! Looks like a really ambitious garden! I might try a mild garden again this year. I never got anything from mine last year due to a late start. I only planted squash last year. Might try something different this year.

You should go for it. Plant both heat loving and cool temp crops and see what you get. Good luck!

YAY, you have some space now! This all looks so great -- I am so behind.
Broken egg shells around stuff is great for keeping snails and slugs at bay, plus chickens and ducks help too (giggles).

Thanks! The eggshells idea is a great tip! I would love to have chickens and ducks. Maybe someday. Today one of my artichoke seedlings came up. I was really happy because I had to leave my last artichoke behind, right before it was growing season.

I love sister artichoke so much. :)

Me too! The flowers are gorgeous and the leaves are so good. Give me melted butter and an artichoke and leave me to it.

hehehe.... Mmmmm, I know, a most taste love affair is butter to artichoke. ;)

Wherever you're at, your weather is certainly better than mine! I still have snow on the ground here.