The correct sawdust for a Mittleider Method garden

Did you know you can grow an amazing garden in sand and sawdust if you use the Mittleider Method? But not just any sawdust will work. In this video I share with you what the correct sawdust looks like as compared to what isn't ideal. We will show you what the correct sawdust looks like and tell you where both examples can be found.

If you decide to try seedling production or growing a Mittleider garden with sawdust and sand, you need to start with the correct sawdust. The sawdust from any tree EXCEPT walnut is safe to use in your garden. The tannin found in walnut can kill your plants. Generally, for the sawdust to be the correct size it needs to come from a sawmill that cuts trees with a large circular blade to make lumber. The sawdust made in the average wood working shop is far too fine and not ideal for your Mittleider garden.

To see more about growing in sawdust and sand, as well as other custom growing mediums, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.