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RE: Welcome to My Garden #13 – Fruit Trees

in #gardening6 years ago

I wish I could grow lemons and other citrus trees over here in Canada. I had a lemon tree growing indoors but the bugs got it before I could saved it. You have a wonderful garden. I had the same idea about just growing food but in time it was nice to have flowers.


Growing flowers - I didn't get into that for this post but that's exactly what happened with me too! Years of growing only practical things, I didn't have time or space for frivolous plants! But one spring at a garden center I went a little crazy and brought home flowers! I tucked them here and there around the 'practical' plants and enjoyed seeing them bloom more than I expected. My new rule is to plant whatever I want whether it has a useful purpose or not! (Or that beauty can be a purpose!)

Sorry to hear about your lemon tree. I don't know what special care it would need in your area. It might need a more controlled climate, like a greenhouse? If you decide to try again a Meyer lemon might be easier, it is more a bush than a tree and easier to keep pruned to a smaller size.

Thanks, I'll be looking for a " Meyer lemon tree " on my next trip to the greenhouse. In south America my parents had about 8 lemon trees around our house and at night you could smell the flowers of those trees, it was a fantastic experience.

Oh yes, it would be worth growing for the fragrance alone! With 8 trees it must have been intoxicating!

Yes, plus we had two gardenia trees to boot. In a tropical climate you can grow many amazing plants, orchids grow wild everywhere. Now we live in Alberta, if we are lucky we could have about three months of fair weather. The growing season is so short and the winters are so long and cold.

Gardenia trees? I don't know a word that goes beyond intoxicating but there must be one. Lemon blossoms and gardenias - yes there must be a word that would describe that! I have a small gardenia and a large jasmine and I think that's pretty great. ;-}

I think you do an impressive job of gardening for the climate you live in!