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RE: Food Forest Update - Late May, Early June 2019

in #gardenjournal20196 years ago

Hello my dear @thelaundrylady, thank you for sharing your wonderful plant with us.

Annual Vegetable Crops
I have the typical annual vegetables in the food forest such as tomatoes, peppers, onions, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, zucchinis etc. They are all doing very well from all the Spring rains we have received this year. All the plants are loaded. We have had very little work in the food forest since planting time. Mother Nature has been kind to this year. We are receiving another round of thunderstorm as I type my post. Now just have to watch out for powdery mildew from the humidity.

Wooo, I'm glad to see that you have a very nice and healthy food forest, it's also good to see the variety of plants for food, that's a sustainable mini-farm.

I really like what you do, that you have a great harvest and you can enjoy the fruit of your work.

Take care.


Thank you. Nothing better than working hard then enjoy the fruits of our own labor. "Sustainable mini-farm" ... I like that!