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RE: Garden Journal November Update - Gardening Indoors...

Why aren't you happy about the pink light? My reading has indicated plants like different spectrums at different phases of growing, so I'd guess the red fits in there somewhere...

Major sunroom envy here....

I grow catmint in the old West Herb garden, and catnip volunteers in many gardens in the yard. If I had catmint inside, my old cat might look at it and rub on it now and again. But if I had catnip, she'd destroy it in a second!


The pink light was a full spectrum LED grow light and things grew fine under them but because it turned everything a weird color it was hard to tell what was really going on with the plants by just looking at them. I will do visual walk throughs daily but sometimes I don't have the time to really stop and examine everything and if I can't see the true color of the plants or soil I might miss out on things going on.

I always dreamed of having an attached greenhouse. This came about when one of our large south facing windows got a crack. We had to replace it so we thought we would just do away with it and have that as the opening to a sun room. With much research we came up with a system that we can grow in year round with only blowing in the heat we were already using to heat the house. It worked so well we also took out the other matching window on the south side and opened as much of that south wall as we could. It really brightened the place up and I can say that it has saved us from experiencing S.A.D. syndrome during are long winters. It wasn't cheap but we used the inheritance money from my father.

The catnip doesn't survive as well as the cat mint in my garden or I would grow it. This one was just a volunteer that came up in the pot and we let it grow for JJ.