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RE: @quinneaker Is Free! + The Metamorphosis of Eden Metamorphosis

If you reject establishment medicine why would you accept establishment legal representation?

Get in the frankrizzo3 skypechat, learn and practice the method, and represent yourself?


Represent? No, you Present yourself, and if you know where and to whom you're presenting yourself you'd do well to stay the fuck away from them at ALL COSTS.

Well, kinda hard to do that when they kidnap you and keep you in their dungeon.

Marc's method can be learned as simple as one, two, three.
Mastering it will take longer, but the method itself is not complex.
Ive used it myself and will use it from now on.

Please tell me the method though, as everything can be deconstructed and repurposed, regardless of how simple, maybe there is a substantial truth at the heart of it, and maybe it has taken the from most suited for it so it's not a matter of repurposing it.

The skypechat is frankrizzo3. There you can ask questions in real time.

It boils down to what you said, what evidence can they present that you surrendered to their jurisdiction.

I know marc and dean have history.

I can get behind that:

He who questions well learns well.

And some more Maxims

It is a fault to meddle with what does not belong to or does not concern you.

Which in turn leads to: why does this concern me?

And this is once it has been demonstrated, needn't be expressed even:

To a judge who exceeds his office or jurisdiction no obedience is due.

and to the role of the judge after establishing it through questions it should be obvious:

The judge is counsel for the prisoner.

Being caged is another matter entirely, but wandering into their cave with any "method" and trying to rePresent yourself you're only running the risk of being trolled by the worst kind of troll. If they have you in their clutches I'd do as @deanclifford did and demand to see the order that puts me there and from what law the authority comes from for that order, be it in Canada or the States, don't know much about Mexico but I am sure with diligent questioning your immediate captors and their superiors it will be evident if that can be a viable option, as all this hangs on them not being complete dickheads, same for the judges, which is why I warn not to wander into their cave.

Thanks for the info @freebornangel

Good luck!