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RE: Fried Stuff from our Sustainable Outdoor Kitchen at Eden Metamorphosis 🦋

in #gardenofeden7 years ago

Kudos to that guy helping me. He hung in there for a long time. Pretty much no one had the endurance that I had but this guy did better than most.

That fried stuff I make is some of Quinn's favorites. It was a pleasure and an honor to serve. Being back in my ol' outdoor theater kitchen was truly an interesting experience.

That kitchen is a mirror of me. I have had many lows and many highs around those fires. Ultimately, I have recovered many lost pieces of myself preparing the food for the community, parties and the homeless in the outdoor GoE kitchen.

A few days before Eden Metamorphosis I fired up the stoves and many old dysfunctions began to surface. Instead of indulging myself in those emotions I took a well shower then laid down in my hammock to meditate.

I reminded myself that I am cooking and preparing this food. I can do it with help or alone because I am a badass. Then a calm place surfaced in my spirit. After that I went out to the kitchen and smoothly and easily prepared all the food for the whole weekend except one meal that Inok prepared.

It was ALL awesome! Everyone told me many, many times how much they enjoyed the food.

The LOVE I put into all of it is the main ingredient.

Super grateful to serve! After all, isn't that what it's all about?

Loving all that's Steemy!