G. Edward Griffin: Tax-Exempt Foundations Pushed Communism At Direction Of President Of US

G. Edward Griffin has exposed the Marxist-Leninists and their plans for years. In an interview decades ago with a congressional investigator, Griffin discovered how tax-exempt foundations were formed and for what purpose. The bombshell came when he learned they were advancing communism at the direction of the president of the US. He joins me in this episode to elaborate and provide a foundation on which we can act.
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Sons of Liberty · G. Edward Griffin: Tax-Exempt Foundations Pushed Communism At Direction Of President Of US
Previous shows and items mentioned in this episode.
G. Edward Griffin: The Communist Revolution I Warned About 50 Years Ago Is Taking Place Today
The Hidden Agenda For World Government: Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations With G. Edward Griffin (Video)
Tyranny Slayer & Basilico’s Owner Tony Roman: Don’t Give The Tyrants An Inch!
Books on William Randolph Hearst
Nick Rockefeller explained New World Order masterplan to Aaron Russo - It's All A Hoax
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