Una foto todos los días / One photo everyday (1/365)
Monserrat Park (Own photo)
Acá les dejo el link de su nuevo proyecto #dailyandfresh
Del profesor @lanzjoseg es la recomendación de hacer este reto, él lo realizaba de @gamer00 y su proyecto una foto diaria, con las mejores fotos de su día.Hello everyone, today I decided to join the challenge #OnePhotoEveryday a quite interesting proposal from @gamer00 who invites us to take a daily photo of our environment and accompany it with a description. Here I leave the link of his new project #dailyandfresh
From professor @lanzjoseg is the recommendation to make this challenge, he made it from @gamer00 and his project a daily photo, with the best photos of his day.

Cuarentena activa en Buenos Aires (Foto propia)
Active quarantine in Buenos Aires (Own photo)
I have decided to start this challenge right at a complex time worldwide, as it requires a lot of creativity, since in times of quarantine it will not be easy to take pictures that are really worthwhile, but I will do my best.
In Buenos Aires less than a week ago they have decreed mandatory quarantine and as expected the streets are deserted, the circulation is strictly reduced to a small group of society working in specific sectors to keep a city like this afloat.
Parks, squares and all kinds of places where the conglomerate can meet were closed with the firm purpose of stopping contagion. However, even with all that is happening and despite the precise instructions of the rulers, there are still people who refuse to comply with them. According to figures published by the national media, the number of people detained by the security forces far exceeded the number of confirmed patients with the virus, all in less than a week.
That's when many of us ask ourselves what else needs to happen to make people aware?
Images of our own. Translation from deepl.com.
Esta publicación ha sido seleccionada para el reporte de Curación Diaria.
Excelente! Muchas gracias por tu apoyo.