Divine Encounter


Divine ; means beautiful, Godly, evening and surpassing excellence.

Encounter ; means to means someone or something unplanned for or unexpectedly.

When this words are fussed together, it gives an even bigger meaning.
What makes an encounter divine, its simply God. When you have divine encounter with God, people lives turn around for good.
Looking at the stories we read from the bible, nobody meet God and still remain the same.
Sarah has a divine encounter with God and gave birth even when she's pass the age to conceive, the cripple man at the gate of beautiful has been cripple from birth and walked immediately the day he encountered Jesus, even the woman with the issue of blood was healed when her live encountered Jesus.
Using moses and the children of Israelites as a big example, the day moses has a divine encounter with God from the burning bush, so did the children of Israel and they were set free. When you read from the bible exodus chapter 3 from verse one to the last, it talked about the divine encounter of moses with God.

To have divine encounter, you must

Settle in your heart
Until you settle your mind, keep calm and listen to your heart, divine encounter is almost impossible. You pray with your heart and allow God to do his work, never keep your mind unsettled.

Turn to see, touch and hold on to God
Exodus: 3. Verse 3. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt. Verse 4. And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I.
Moses turned around to meet God, until when he turned and listened, that was when he heard the calling of God.


thanks for the good word bro.......My phone touch screen hasn't been functioning. I hope that I will communicate with you soon

Will be expecting you to contact me. We meet at the top bro.

Nice article thanks I really enjoyed reading it please keep up the good work looking forward to more of your posts, thanks for sharing.

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Nice photo, nice post brother