in #genesisproject7 years ago (edited)

#wafrica My life's story is staged in Nigeria, a third world country as some will call her , a developing nation as some other sugar Coaters call her.
For me I just call it Nigeria... an old colleague told me I can't aggressively criticize what I pray for. It still does not make enough sense to me, but it sparked up this little conversation I'm having with my keyboard. How do you criticize what you pray earnestly for?

I think if there's anything the 21st century has been able to establish, it's that "we are basically all wired differently" we as humans are starting wild conversations about our personal preferences. We've moved towards a rather liberal state of mind. For millennials especially our personal liberty has been on the forefront.

For me and many of my friends in Nigeria, we have a name for people's preference. We call it a "cruise". It's like your vibe, your choice of how you decide to do your shit. Of course it has its popular literal meaning. but; our little etymology for this word is rather a tad humorous. Basically it started out from watching people get intoxicated or high. We all tend to act differently under the influence. Some folks would rather make noise, many are reserved and swimming in deep thoughts, in extreme cases we see people do bizarre and mind boggling shit. These are the ones that make it to anecdotes and cruise folklore. We always let people do their own thing, in popular language we would say "allow him, let him catch his cruise" a more relatable incident involves when two people are involved in a blownout fist fight over an agreement, have you ever witnessed someone get slapped for trying to separate a dispute. This is a reality in many places, it extends to deeper lines, it's like a circular was passed down to everyone "allow them, let them be". Regardless of where you may be in the world, this is something common in today's world... " allow him/her" "let them catch their cruise"...

Thinking about this spurs up a long trail of thoughts, do you ever get to hear people have these had I known moments, where you just wish you knew something, like... you would've done it differently. When someone says "had I known" basically knowing can just change the course of their life.

It feels far crazier right now , you hardly hear people say the new narrative is let me make my mistakes and learn from them. Even as much as we want to make mistakes and learn from them , nobody is trying to adapt another person's life script. Could there ever be a window for this,

There are many things we only stumble on be we don't exactly get the point, it's like those real sweet things with the awful aftertaste, there are real pivotal decisions we might have to make at various points of our lives... Some things are real, STDs for example, how could something as pleasurable as sex leave such a horrid aftertaste.death-164761_640.jpg
Even as scarce as real friendships are these days, how many can call out their friends from extremely bad habits, how many of us can say it to their faces, the best we get of late are basically shades of sheepish subliminal messages, you just jokingly tell them, "LOL, you are such a hoe" .. "LOL, fucking junkie"

Digging deeper to the foundation of this, where do we draw the line on what we call bad habits, for every ill act there are tons of reasons to support our claims. Just like conspiracy theories, drawn out of the negative, fueled by the negative, we can never run out of counter theories. It's less of facts and more of opinions.

My generation would always rather take the easy was out, it's way easier to just go with the flow instead of the stress of looking inward and making necessary changes... I always feel horrible about how well I keep up with friends and even family, many of us would rather just accept it and say "I suck at communication" "checking up is not just my thing"
Makes you wonder if some humans fell on the earth with the communication software installed in their hearts . I guess not.

What's my point, we share more in common than we think, regardless of where we find ourselves, I might have this whole optimistic time, but in all honestly it's just a sense of how much we share in common, we are all stuck up in this this race, trying to make sense of this rather finite time we have on God's green earth , might as well make it look sexy. Be good and be good at it.

gwazs said


Dear friend! Next time also use #wafrica and follow @wafrica to get an upvote on your quality posts!