Chemtrails - Why Do They Spray Us? Connecting The Dots

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

Sole word Chemtrails stirs up lot of controversy,
mainly because it is usually related to Conspiracy Theories.
What many don't know is, Conspiracy Theory was a term invented by CIA.
Why did they do it?
The answer is logical: to discredit anyone opposing the system - in the very beginning of his actions.

When I stumbled upon this article, I got really mad. Shared it on my various social media, and no one seemed to understand the true purpose of my post.

What I tried to let them know, toxic air is not toxic for the sole reason of Evil Corps poisoning it... There is much more sides of the medals. Many lost souls are still searching for truth, but in wrong circumstances with wrong people around them...

That has to end. I will work as much as I can on spreading the truth, to whoever feels like listening to it.


Soon I'm getting a professional camera, so I will be able to produce my own photographs and time-lapses.

Exciting times ahead...

There is mass of people

who comprehend Chemtrails on some levels, but still can't face the truth in its full fashion.

Truth is rather simple, standing in front of our noses every single day. You mustn't look in the floor, rather keep that head up (: Are we present or no? Do we just wander around with attention focused on wrong things?

That is most likely the answer. How would in a sane world thing like this go unnoticed? You tell me.


World Meteorological Organization is thinking about us.

Not so long ago, they finally brought end to all the theories and let us know the real truth with these facts:

  • Chemtrails aren't real
  • They are just newly formed clouds
  • Their name is Homo Mutatus

Funniest part, people from my Facebook were sharing this info like it is something interesting. When in reality... But what can you do.

In case you didn't know, the root of Homo goes all the way to Homo Sapiens, while Mutatus means To Change, Mutate

Get It Now?

Homomutatus = Homo Sapiens + Mutatus -> Human modification

This is basic example of how truth is hidden in plain sight. Everything is there. Around you, in you - but nothing on TV.

This picture was taken in Brisbane, Australia. The clouds formed like this thankfully to radio towers frequencies...

  • this amount of aerosol does serious damage to all living life

  • you need to react, before it is too late

  • find ways to get proper nutrients

  • detox as much as you can

  • exercise regularly

  • breath deeply, work on your breathing techniques -> use your whole core

It may looks like I'm writing total nonsense...

But I'm not, trust me. Pure instincts. You need to pay attention on the tiniest details, in this fight. That is why you have to breathe deeply as much as you can, to rejuvenate your cells better.

In case you didn't know, all this trails you see above and the frequencies you can't see - are here to do damage.

They change our DNA, do damage on a cellular basis. Destroy our cells... That is why we need to incorporate as much antioxidants in our lives as we can...

This was taken in my lovely country.

You probably don't know, I live in a country called Croatia. Rather small one, with 4 500 000 people living here.

I'll have to put it publicly, it will stay forever on the blockchain fuck it. The president of my country is a part of Trilateral Comission, as soon as she got on the Throne - this shit started. Our country was heavily bombarded with climate engineering operations.

Not just that, the standard here was never lower and people barely find something to eat. Many are dying in agony, everyday someone is getting evicted from their homes... It is a reality. They get evicted for all kinds of shit - not paying a TV bill from a State Company that forces us to do so... Sweet irony.

Anyway, the guy who made the law which made it possible to evict all those people, he was a part of Trilateral Commission as well. Funny right? :) Not just that, he was a publicly declared Free-Mason.

People give him respect, not even understanding the amount of cognitive dissonance they are in.

See the picture below, daily reality.

And these cops? I feel sad for them. They are just not aware. Being used as a tool for repression...

It funny how in its roots, Governments should actually work for us. But that is just a story to fit the agenda...

Just look at the roots of the words: Govern+Mental = manipulation of the mental processes.

You are probably wondering,

what the fuck this has to do with chemtrails? Well it has.

Just connecting the dots, its all a part of a much bigger agenda - hard to comprehend.

It was even carved in stones, long time ago:

The stone comes from Georgia Guidestones. Check them out when you can.

You might be wondering now,

what is the crown organization to push this massive agenda against humanity?

Wonder no more. UN (United Nations) is the name... Sweet irony again. United in what exactly?

Anyway, if you want to read their detailed plans to push the agenda.

You can read it right here.

Please don't buy into this shit. They paid many PR experts to do their dirty work for them, but you can decipher whole that document if you give yourself time.

As a matter of fact, if someone is willing to write his article as the deciphered form of the document above - I will be more than happy to reward him with a hefty dose of SBD. But remember, it must be your original work. Use the tag Agenda so I can find you.

As my first thought in this article were Chemtrails,

I want to show you few more things.

This picture was taken in my lovely city, Zagreb. The amount of trails was literally impossible to comprehend that day. Many people, even the ones who realized numerous truths - think chemtrails are done solely by passenger planes.

In reality, that is a false statement.

The Shadow Governments all around the world are using high-tech you can't perceive (that was obtained from extraterrestrial forces).

Majority of Chemtrailing is done by that kind of devices. Orb-like drones that are able to produce Holograms of planes, so they look like real planes from the distance... But it's a trap. ETs are real and above your heads pretty much everyday. :)

There are literally thousands of videos from Old-school Sky-watchers, you can find online, and assure yourself that holographic technology is real. As I'm in a rush now, I will share the video from my reach now (1:11):

With obtaining technology like this, it is made sure that millions of trails land where they should be, daily.

It is a shocking truth, but if you take your Sky-watching with care you will realize it soon enough. Many watch me as a madman, since they can't even comprehend chemtrails fully.

How to explain them that they are being done by Alien-technologies? I'm doing as hard as I can. Posting at least one post about chemtrails weekly here on Steemit ❤

What I Always Say

Don't let these hidden truth take your power from you. When you realize something, use it to enhance the quality of your lifestyle. Many individuals panic when they realize certain truths, making it harder for themselves. It is a trap, the truth is supposed to set you free...

So, when you educated yourself to the point that Chemtrails are damaging to our well-being. Use all means you can to fight against it. As I said above, never underestimate the power of correctly done Detox.

Detox is real. Combine it with properly done fasting and you will sure clean yourself in a matter of no time...

In the future, I will make sure to write a lot about Detox techniques. Make sure to stay in touch with me 😊

In Case You Need Some Of Old Geoengineering Posts:

The guy on the picture is myself. I'm a really kind guy, just sometimes I become highly rebellious.

Usually when I put thought in all the shit that is happening around us, considering I keep my thoughts in more positive directions...

Being in the present is my name, as that is the only way to exit the matrix. There are many layers of matrix, if you are constantly in the one made in your head - how will you exit the tougher ones? Food for thought 😉

Yes we have to wise up now... We have to rise and shineee 😊


Pozdrav u Hrvatsku!

I'm hearing (speculations) that chem trails are metal nano-particles, to reflect some of the sun rays back to space in order to fight 'global warning' hoax. If true, they may just push us prematurely into global ice age that should happen much much later otherwise.

It is true. Welcome to reality :)

I wonder sometimes why people don’t look up and notice. Do they not see the checkerboard in the sky? Do they not notice we never have a true blue sky....only hazy white on a clear day? Does anyone notice the metallic smell after a rainfall?
Awesome post!!! And the picture over Brisbane is nuts!!! : )

They do. But most of them have already been made docile. Society, governments and their jobs put them trough so much shit they don't even want to think about it. Doctors prescribing Prazine and Normabel like they were f'ing skittles just to avoid dealing with the problem ( that's ironic since they say people take them for the very same reason ) and since they don't treat people , it's not even hard to imagine. People just want peace and become comfortable with what they've been allowed to have. Minimal to mid wage, and about 5 hours of peace a day is all they want. I've been on that precipice. But then it hit me. I'm a master of myself and they can go f**k themselves. I decide how long and in what way I'll live. I'm sure most governments would love to see us roll over and die ... I might as well make them work for it. The problem is much deeper than just not being able to see. Its a result; not a cause.

True words my friend. Not much we can do except observe, document and try to shake some people awake. Problem is...most don’t feel the danger, see the danger and would much rather stay programmed.
It’s such a rabbit hole.
I was always hoping that an actual pilot would come forward and speak.
I DID see an awesome video of a woman who used to order supplies for the military speak. She talked about the orders of insane amounts of bi products from the coal industry for spraying. If you haven’t seen it I’ll find the link. Voices like hers will be silenced.

Did you know the earth was flat?

Muy buena labor mi amigo, siga adelante con firmeza.

Great post! I sincerely hope that this will be an eye opening for those living in delusion!

Exellent written but for those who have not heard about climate engineering or have heard and do not believe - insufficiently.
Why ?
Because there are plenty of beginners...
I think in future posts you can explain what a hologram is (many people have never heard of this term or know something small).
After that, you could explain what the hologram airplanes are and how they are made and how they differ from the actual aircraft.
And the rest for begginners...
People should be informed.
I want you a lot of success on that road.

That is a good point.

But keep in mind, all I want to achieve with my posts is to Plant a seed into readers mind.

Hopefully, if that seed find its way - it will motivate readers to do more detailed research on their own

I think in future posts you can explain what a hologram is (many people have never heard of this term or know something small).
After that, you could explain what the hologram airplanes are and how they are made and how they differ from the actual aircraft.
And the rest for begginners...

I do agree fully with this. Will try to provide more detailed explanations in the future

And more sources!
Its so important :D

I agree but halfway. :)

It depends what is your main goal with the post.

In this article for example, mine was to reach Niche targets that already know much about these topics :)

Otherwise I would have to write much much longer article and spend days on it

Fair call.
I mean everyone knows how to select, google and research themselves just like a did for a few things in your post.
Just being lazy hahah

Great post.. You are very talented. Obviously there is technology the general population does not know about, this reminds me of the alleged planes that hit the twin towers defying the laws of psychics upon entry and after.

I'm willing to speculate where it came from but I like to stay focus: is there good evidence, does it attract readers or not. Saving it for later, are we more at risk or not? Be cautious, when our dis-information agents sell out and do their thing (sabotage their reputation on purpose) they often jump on the alien bandwagon. I would approach that topic if important and with extra evidence and best to even recognize some of the dis-information experiences people may have had on that topic..

That said, thanks for the holographic videos .. I have not seen those before.

Great post.. You are very talented.

Thank you, it means a lot to hear on a topic like this :)

Obviously there is technology the general population does not know about, this reminds me of the alleged planes that hit the twin towers defying the laws of psychics upon entry and after.

Exactly. As a matter of fact it is the same technology :) I planned to mention that as well but somehow forgot it.

Will have to do it in the future, in a more detailed matter.

I'm willing to speculate where it came from but I like to stay focus: is there good evidence, does it attract readers or not. Saving it for later, are we more at risk or not? Be cautious, when our dis-information agents sell out and do their thing (sabotage their reputation on purpose) they often jump on the alien bandwagon. I would approach that topic if important and with extra evidence and best to even recognize some of the dis-information experiences people may have had on that topic..

Agreed. That are some crucial points you made there. I will focus on bringing my content to broader audiences, I agree that step is a necessity when it comes to topics like these. People like you will always understand me, but the majority won't

That said, thanks for the holographic videos .. I have not seen those before.

Don't worry :) Got plenty of those! If you are interested, let me know 😉

Don't worry :) Got plenty of those! If you are interested, let me know 😉

No, I'm good.. Need to be really careful with this topic..

(: its one of the most delicate topics one can write about.

Thank you for supporting me on the path @jamesc. I'm reaching more and more people and more people are becoming active in geoengineering daily :)

and many contact me about how I changed their views... The efficiency rate is way higher than in real life

Hey @jamesc
Don mind sir have a look at my work about here is the link .kindly let me know how you feel

hi jamesc,sorry this is not related to this post but as im fairly new to steemit was the only way i could see to message you.I just wanted to thank you for your upvote on and the very generous upvote a fews ago.It gives us lift and helps to inspire good posting.Thanks again

yea this sort of stuff freaks me out in the right ways like we gotta make a change if it is true

Chemtrails are highly toxic and must be stopped. We must working together to bring an end to this crime against humanity.

Did you know the earth was flat?

Did you seriously doubt my knowledge? :P

Good article. I am glad, more and more people are becoming aware of the crime committed on humanity. But I am afraid not enough yet and we are running out of time. They are spraying relentlessly and all of this crap is already inside of us. Since you mention detox...Do you have some personal experience of what might remove these toxins and most of all the nano-particles from our system? I use Zeolite and Chlorella, but I am afraid this is not enough...

Good article. I am glad, more and more people are becoming aware of the crime committed on humanity. But I am afraid not enough yet and we are running out of time.

You don't depend on majority my friend. You only depend on yourself...

Do you have some personal experience of what might remove these toxins and most of all the nano-particles from our system?

Of course I do :) You should check Pulsed Magnetism out fast

So, i appreciate the attention this post is getting, however I'm concerned that there are very few links to sources, not the best practice to get into when dealing with fringe topics like this one.

Now that aside, lets discuss something you have left out.
There is also the intent to minimize the penetration of galactic cosmic rays.

This is link to their affect on climate change:

There is also the effect that they have on human consciousness, from some of my research these high energy waves/particles are interacting with human DNA to cause re-calibration and activation. This is then affecting consciousness in potentially profound ways.

Again, these are all fringe topics, so do your own research and make up your own mind, thought i would throw a few more dots out there for someone to connect. ;)

There is also the effect that they have on human consciousness, from some of my research these high energy waves/particles are interacting with human DNA to cause re-calibration and activation. This is then affecting consciousness in potentially profound ways.

Tell me, are you referring on Schumann's Resonance? If so, I wrote a bit about it and read much more. As a matter of fact, posted a whole scientific research about it, in one of my past articles :)

Think I mentioned the link in this article :)

It more than just the Schumann's Resonance, if your interested in the science, which it sounds like you are, check out (if you haven't already):
SuspiciousObservers Youtube

Now regarding the galactic cosmic rays(GCR), these are very high frequency/energy/light, they pass through/misses most matter, but does when it does interact with free ions in the atmosphere, it resulting in cloud formation. From my research and memory, it is not linked to the Schumann's Resonance which is linked to Magnetic interactions and ULF and ELF 0.1-30Hz.
The theories i have come across is that DNA has quantum components to it, of which interact with all frequencies. GCR are the newest energetic frequencies that are being studied, its also come to sciences attention that there has almost been and exponential increase in the amount that is coming from the center of the galaxy, and maybe the rest of the universe...

We are sort of on the cutting edge of this science (that of which has been disclosed) and we are still developing our understanding.

Thanks for the information brother!

I can see you did some quality research. Why don't you write a post about it and let me know? I'd be happy to read it!

Absolutely thanks for taking the time ^_^