Geoengineering Usage
Bizarre World
In The People's Republic of China, it's no secret that the Party controls just about everything. But as Beijing suffers through its second major snowstorm this season, residents are growing weary of their leadership's control-freak tendencies. After all, while the storm came as a surprise to residents, the government knew about it all along. In fact, the government caused it.

Before I begin to elaborate on the topic, I would like to emphasize that the article is literally nine years old. If we consider that technology made a huge progress in last couple of years, we can only imagine what are they capable of doing these days. They even have a state organ - The Beijing Weather Modification office - whose main purpuse is to manipulate the weather conditions.
The purpose behind weather modification is less megalomaniacal than it sounds at first pass; a large swath of northeast China, including Beijing, has been mired in a drought for nearly a decade, and the party leadership would like to reverse that trend for both practical reasons and to show the Chinese people exactly who is in charge.

They are trying to conceal the true goal of geoengineering and get social approval under the mask of saviours. I'm not talking exactly about this case, it is not always necessary to be used for bad purposes, but the very idea of playing God is disgusting enough, and sooner or later it will be in wrong hands, it is guaranteed.
The purpose behind weather modification is less megalomaniacal than it sounds at first pass; a large swath of northeast China, including Beijing, has been mired in a drought for nearly a decade, and the party leadership would like to reverse that trend for both practical reasons and to show the Chinese people exactly who is in charge.
To do so, they've turned to cloud seeding, a controversial practice that involves launching (or dropping) chemicals into the atmosphere -- silver iodide in China, though dry ice and liquid propane also work -- that cause water vapor in the air to crystallize at temperatures it otherwise would not. Its effectiveness is dubious; while it's generally accepted that it works to some degree, it can only increase precipitation by 20 percent. Sometimes.
While the government claims the seeding is for the good of the country, that claim is about as dubious as the practice of seeding itself; in 2005, a snow melting agent killed 10,000 trees in Beijing, and experts worry it could be eroding the city's infrastructure. As of last night, highways in and around Beijing were closed and many roads were blocked, bringing day-to-day commerce to a grinding halt.
Weather manipulation is actually not as rare as one might think. Currently, 24 countries practice some kind of cloud seeding. Moscow's mayor keeps the Russian Air Force on cloud seeding duty to make sure it never rains on his parades(literally).

Won't even comment on this one. Just look the sky ahahaha.
The first big use of weather modification as a military tactic came during the Vietnam War, when the Air Force engaged in a cloud seeding program to try to create rainfall and turn the Ho Chi Minh Trail into muck in order to gain tactical advantage. I have noticed that the war in Vietnam lasted until 1975, and since then it has been almost 40 years and practice continues, but on more sophisticated way.
The Central Intelligence Agency is funding a scientific study that will investigate whether humans could use geoengineering to alter Earth’s environment and stop climate change. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will run the 21-month project, which is the first NAS geoengineering study financially supported by an intelligence agency
The End

In today's article, I have emphasized the relevant examples of geoengineering use, unlike previous articles where my focus was poined on negative consequences. Therefore the existence of such projects is not controversial, but the purpuse is. I realy doubt that they have good intentions, it is just logical. If they wanted peace and prosperity or world wihtout hunge, they most definitely would not invest hundreds of billions of dollars into military and weapon. Only limited people who do not see further from their own ego will, after all, remain small in their stupidity. Im not insulting anyone, but when you argue or disclame something as big as this, as like it does not affect you, then better prepare some arguments.
I suppose a question here could be if they can control it , and apparently they have the technology and use it, then why do we have such horrible weather? Are the droughts and hurricanes instances where their brilliant technology failed? Or...succeeded???
Lol because their purpuse ain't good. Just imagine if you were Monsanto - main GMO producer in the World- and the big floow comes and destroy everything farmers worked for. Monsanto promises their GMO for cheaper price(like they are saviors) and makes a fuking monopol over time, wiith US backup, ofcourse. It is actually that simple, greedy motherfuckers.
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