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RE: My Analysis of Keiser Report 1638

in #george3 years ago

As I use this blockchain to hashgraph the truth, my object is not to go viral and alert artificial intelligence to my steadfast opposition to totalitarian tekkknocracy. My goal is to turn these tools of surveillance kkkapital back upon its creators in order to obtain justice for the innumerable victims of its failure to uphold the ideals of liberty granted by the SOVEREIGN DEITY. The Keiser Report has been my go to source of truth for more than 12 years and I have tried to express my point of view during that period of time. Even though Max and Stacey continually introduce their audience to the plight of the Black man in Amerkkka, they have never chosen to put much effort into exposing the full extent of this ongoing criminal enterprise that allows the black man in Amerikkka to languish in learned helplessness with Stockholm and Trump derangement syndrome behind enemy lines as uninformed, non-consenting test dummies for the white supremacist mindset of AI that no white man will own up to. Consequently, this has allowed the tail male legacy of Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner to continue with little opposition. Alas, what hope does this invisible black man in Amerikkka have in arresting the targeted genocide taking place in a bitcoin universe? It would be nice to explain some things to Max and Stacey and I will make sure that I am ready should the opportunity present itself.


Well it looks as if Max and Stacey have been shut down by da Globalystz banksterdz. We discover through Max's own words that the producer of the Keiser Report was AP(Associated Press?) The last Keiser Report was Episode 1819. This will be the number to keep track of what happened to the Keiser Report and RT and Alex Jones. Celente is still the leader of the pack.