EVEN MORE WRITING OPPORTUNITIES !~ [#GetPublished] - More websites looking for writers !

S. Kalekar Fiyah: Big Mama Nature
They want “ brave works of speculative short fiction by authors from the African continent and Diaspora that reject regressive ideas of blackness, respectability politics, and stereotype . ” For Issue 6, they want stories of Nature and her swift backhand when folks get out of line ; stories about ecological wastelands, futures full of solar powered punks, or natural disasters .
Deadline: 31 January 2018
Length: 2000 - 7000 words ; novelettes up to 15000 words ; speculative poetry
Pay: $ 300 for novelettes, $ 150 for short stories, $ 50 for poetry


They publish speculative stories – science fiction, fantasy, horror –with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology . They also accept reprints .
Deadline: 31 January 2018
Length: Up to 8000 words
Pay: $ 0.06 / word


Uncanny Magazine: Disabled People Destroy Science Fiction
They want submissions from writers who identify themselves as disabled ( see guidelines ) . The editors do not require stories to explore issues relating to disability, but they do encourage them . They want to see a wide range of disabilities explored across a variety of SF settings and scenarios .
Deadline: 15 February 2018
Length: 750-6000 words
Pay: $ 0.08 / word


The New Quarterly
They publish Canadian writers and writing – fiction, nonfiction and poetry .
Deadline: 28 February 2018 ( postmarked )
Length: Up to 6,000 words for fiction and nonfiction ; up to 3 poems, and three postscripts
Pay: CAD 250 for short stories or nonfiction ; CAD 40 per poem or postscript story


Hex Gunslinger: A Weird Western Anthology
The editors want speculative, mysterious, and romantic weird western tall tales . Framed as an unearthed secret library years after the civil war, each story should hold the ethos of western expansion beginning in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase, and ending around the 1850s not necessarily restricted to a North American audience . This anthology is inspired by Preacher ( TV ) and Jonah Woodson Hex ( the comic ) . They are also accepting a spotlight story, involving a person of color serving as an officer of the law ( officially or unofficially ) as a central element of the plot .
Deadline: 1 March 2018
Length: 1000-1500 words for spotlight stories ; 1,000-40000 words for others
Pay: $ 0.02 - 0.03 / word for spotlight stories ; $ 0.01 / word for others


Force of Nature Anthology ( working title )
Stories for this anthology should involve nature and the weird at their core, and is open to all fiction genres . The guidelines say, “ At an ever-advancing tipping point, humanity persists in its war against the natural world . Running a trail of extinction and cutting down vast swathes of oxygen-producing forests, we breed at an alarming pace, overpopulating a planet we seem hell-bent on reigning in – but at what cost ? …There is something inherently weird in our behaviour toward Nature . Two distinct energies, two conscious mentalities, humanity and the natural world find themselves at loggerheads . Can we be held accountable if – as part of nature ourselves – we are driven by the need for survival, the way all species are? And if the answer is no, should we not anticipate that Nature will do the same ? ”
Deadline: 31 March 2018
Length: 2500 - 10000 words
Pay: $ 0.07 / word up to 7000 words ; $ 0.05 / word for stories longer than 7000 words


Paper Dog Books: The Internet is Where the Robots Live Now
They want speculative fiction that considers the future of the internet, artificial intelligence, the mind, and robots ; optimistic, fantastic, bittersweet stories of fantasy and science fiction . The editors are not looking for YA dystopian, robots will destroy the world, or high fantasy tropes, but want more nuanced stories for this anthology .
Deadline: 1 April 2018
Length: 1500 - 5000 words
Pay: $ 0.06 / word


This editor is looking for stories that will show us a way back to a liveable future . The project primarily accepts science fiction stories but will also look at fantasy and literary fiction, as well as poetry, memoir, art and commentary .
Deadline: Unspecified
Length: Up to 4500 words ; query for longer
Pay: $ 0.10 / word for prose fiction ; “ professional rates for other content ”


This is a new quarterly fiction and lifestyle magazine and they are currently open for speculative fiction submissions .
Deadline: Unspecified
Length: Under 1000 words for flash fiction ; 1000 - 7500 words for short stories
Pay: $ 500 for short stories, $ 100 for flash fiction


They publish both new and established writers . They accept short stories, creative nonfiction, flash fiction and poetry . The editors will consider most genres, and cross-genre works . Look at guidelines for details about hard sells .
Deadline: Rolling
Length: 400 - 12000 for prose; up to 3 poems
Pay: $ 0.02 / word or $ 20 per work, whichever is more


Keep up those submissions readers !~
Eventually you will see your consistency pull through !