My Entry for @PhoenixWren's "Get To Know Your Nature Contest"
I have my handy dandy list and I'm out the door for Get to Know Your Nature Contest Round #3!
1: White Flowers
2: Black Rocks
3: Fruit/Flowers on a Tree
4: A Vegetable
5: Sand or Dirt

6: A Burl or Canker on a tree
7: The Moon

#yourofferingspleaseus #donthatemebecauseimbeautiful #worshipmyswirlybelleh
YASSSS!!! I'm so happy you are pleased with my offering Queen Maggie! Looking great in that pose hehehee...just when I've seen it all...
OMG Fooookin LULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAAAA every day this week your tags have killed me :) :) :)
great pic of the moon.. quit trying to bribe the judges lol
Hey now...she required offerings damnit!
These are such a perfect #contest post @lyndsaybowes😀 hope Maggie will choose you for this round😉
But I more than hopeful that Maggie will choose me too, but I think it is impossible because I am late to post my work for this round😭 because I am too busy to prepared my seven things for this contest and I am forget about the time😑
I think you still have a day left, no? Oooh please I hope you can get your entry in on time!! :'( I will cry if you miss it!! @phoenixwren? Is Neilur good?
Uemm.. so much beautiful things..
See u again @lyndsaybowes , sorry i am very busy this week.. nice day @lyndsaybowes
@lyndsaybowes, Such impressive color combination there. All images and created video most adorable. Nice you decided to share community. Have a nice day.
Thank you my friend, I hope you are having a nice day there and are finding ways to stay cool :)
We have similar stone to you.
And this is what happens if you leave the treats out on the terrace at night, the big boys come to visit and you lose the lot. Check the hole in the corner, they didn't even open it properly. Uneducated neighborhood cats 😁😁
Omg what did that, stray cats??
Yup...we don't go out after dark 😂😂
Beautiful pictures as always my friend.
Aw, thanks for dropping by our neck of the woods @perceptualflaws, I hope you're feeling better?!
No back to the dentist tomorrow :( I've had to relent and I'm going to get some antibiotics as the side of my face has started to swell and I've been trying to treat it naturally. Enough about me though :) .. No problem, I always love your pictures .. they're so beautiful :D
Uuuugh, I totally know what you're saying, but sometimes antibiotics are the best thing if you've tried everything else. I had to cave a couple years ago and get some for an out of control ear infection. I hope they fucking work fast!! Mouth things are so scary!!
Nature is absolutely gorgeous and I can't help crushing on it, those dainty white flowers, they have got me. Thank you for sharing this part of nature with us.
Thanks Edith, it was fun hunting for the items!
Nice photos but I really don't think you need to bribe the judges! LOL Edgar sounds spoiled rotten...
HAHAA Edgar is spoiled definitely...she gets whatever she wants, including a fresh meat menu ... she caught a mole the other day! I've never seen one of em before, they are so cute, but so strange looking!
Very nice contest post @lyndsaybowes!
I see you're not above trying to bribe the judge! Not sure what to think about that... but we'll see what Queen Maggie's theory of judging is, in time!
I know right...I'm thinking I should have gone with cat nip instead .... fml...