Get Him to the Greek (movie): highly recommended silly comedy

in #getyerlearnon6 years ago

Before this film I really didn't know a great deal about Russel Brand - who is actually an extremely talented dude. Russel has almost no education and about the same amount of training as an actor - and i would imagine that the studios felt as though they were gambling a lot on making a movie about him - especially since his entire character was just a spinoff from "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." - Which is also a great film for similar reasons.

PS: the movie made $ 50 million


The story follows Aaron Greene (Johan Hill) who is a talent scout for a record label and also a massive fan of what he considers to be "one of the last remaining rock stars left in the world" in Aldous Snow (Russel Brand.) He convinces his label, who is headed by Sergio Roma (P-Diddy / Puff Daddy) that their company should focus on having a massive concert / promotional affair about Aldus Snow in the coming months. Sergio Roma agrees, and sends Aaron Greene over to organize the event.


The major problem with this directive is that Aldous properly IS a rockstar along with all the excesses in life including drug abuse and also being completely wrapped up in his own fading fame and a very difficult person to control. Aldous has recently released a song called "African Child" that according to surveys is the "number 3 most damaging thing to ever happen to Africa behind famine and war."

Aaron is not accustomed to handling big-headed superstars (regardless of how much he admires Aldous) and experiences great difficulty in accomplishing what appeared to be a simple task: Get him to the Greek Theater in time for his TV special.


Tons of conversations and drug-abuse situations later, Aaron develops a friendship with Aldous that is actually quite touching.

This movie is great because Jonah Hill of course is an incredible actor. The movie remains funny despite the fact that Puff Daddy (P-Diddy, whatever) is not good at all. Russel Brand is not only a convincing drug-addicted rock star, but also very convincing in a role as an emotionally fragile washed up star. This may have something to do with the fact that Russel actually does have a massive past history of drug-addiction and a lot of his rise to fame (in real life) is due, at least in part, to the fact that he actually WAS involved in those circles.

Also, Russel Brand actually sings all the music that is on the soundtrack - which is impressive because a lot of them are very catchy.

This movie is fantastic because it is really funny and it seriously shows a side of Russel Brand that well, I hadn't known before. It encouraged me to dig deeper and find the incredibly talented man inside of the idiocy.

7 / 10


Get him to the Greek. The story sounds fair and comedic. I love russels role as a rock star in the film. He has done it grestly with being addicted to drugs and other excessives you know. Jonah hill at the same time also has a touching role with how to handle that abusive rock star. Their friendship too os good. The fact is i havent watch this, but iam looking forward too because i dont miss the movies you share.