A Step By Step Guide to Convert U.S. Dollars (FIAT) Into The Standard of 100% Decentralized Finance. Earn Interest & Profit Shares Daily.

in #getyousomecrypto2 years ago (edited)


Converting your paper dollars into an asset backed digital currency that earns interest and profit shares on its own DAILY and connects directly to your wallet is the empowerment you never knew you needed. Beginners welcome.

Banks Do Not Want You to Read This

How much money do you earn by keeping your money in the form of cash or inside a bank account or on a prepaid card?
How much do banks earn as custodian of your money?

According to the Federal Consumer Protection Bureau, U.S. Banks make roughly 15 billion dollars a year on Non-Sufficient Fund fees and Overdraft fees alone, and that's just from people that ran out of money in their bank account which is really just lending & borrowing (more on that later).

On 10/28/2008 the banks got bailed out. Do you want to take a guess on how much the banks needed in total to be bailed out?

bank bailout.png

Whose money did they lose?

Occupy Wall Street was a short lived 59-day protest against economic inequality due to political influence and corporate greed.

It wasn't effective.

However, there is a protest still happening since 2009 that has been effective, in fact quite threatening to these very entities.... Are you aware of it?


The Bitcoin whitepaper was introduced to a computer science forum by an entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 where it was made possible to send money from one wallet address to another wallet address without the need of a bank, Western Union, Moneygram etc. anywhere in the world. (Just like your email address allows you to send and receive without going to the post office or to your physical mailbox)

This is made possible by a Proof of Work (PoW) protocol where if you set up your computer to verify transactions on the network and contribute energy you are rewarded Bitcoin, also known as mining.

You can relate to this if you clock in at your place of employment and know this is the proof you worked and used your energy in exchange for a pay check for a set amount of time that is direct deposited to your bank, whereas with bitcoin's (PoW)- if your computer is set up to verify transactions and contribute energy to the network you are also rewarded bitcoin directly to your wallet address you own. (You are the bank, so it goes to you directly - not the illusion of direct deposit where in reality your earned income goes directly to the bank - physically into an account they own, and you are authorized to use with daily spending limits, withdrawal and deposit functions rather than send or receive...etc.)

In the beginning there was no centralized banks offering Bitcoin or disguising themselves as Coinbase, or Crypto.com where you can buy and sell your crypto. Bitcoin is something you earned or accepted as payment in a decentralized way. As time went on this principle has been lost along the way as banks continue tricking the people in masses into buying crypto without you owning it, and government banning American citizens from certain platforms that allow peer to peer marketplace trading for goods and services or making sure you are KYC'd (Know Your Customer) under the guise of preventing fraud, yet the government being able to print money out of thin air, and no one being able to stop it is fraud in itself nor is it monitored or verifiable to the public on how tax dollars are spent.

Hopefully that all changes with more people being aware of DeFi, or 100% Decentralized Finance and make the corrupt cash system that is becoming increasingly worthless, obsolete, in exchange for Self-Sovereignty, ownership of identity, assets, and store it themselves and have 100% control of it.


If you have a phone or your computer with access to the internet and a bank account you can set this up now, as crypto is intended to be, peer to peer or peer to smart contract with no middlemen. If you do not have a bank account (to move your funds), the only way you can do this is by receiving directly, since The U.S. Government has made sure to guard all gateways or on ramps to crypto through centralized banks or where you are required to upload ID and social security number etc. (KYC)

Step 1: Receive.

Many things have changed over the years in regard to the American citizens and crypto.

A huge misconception when it comes to crypto is that many think they must buy crypto to get involved, when in fact the best way to obtain crypto is to simply earn it or accept it just like you do the dollar. In order to do this, you need a wallet address to receive to. (Again, just like you need an email address to receive units of data to, same applies in crypto, but instead it is units of currency - hence wallet address)

There are many wallets available, Hard wallets, Cold wallets, Centralized Custodial Wallets (You do not own the crypto if you store it here - this is dangerous), Non-Custodial Wallets (recommended)...

For this guide I will go over 3 of them based on my experience in my own life and specifically the wallets I use to engage with smart contracts and receive revenue daily from and the method to convert from cash to the specific crypto, as well as vice versa back to cash to spend profits and pay bills.

However be advised I am not a financial advisor, and it is best to always do your own research for your life situation which you can do here. Find Wallets That Suit Me.

The first wallet is a wallet I use as a gateway or on ramp from converting dollars into bitcoin. It is a centralized wallet, and it is a wallet I use for that only. Once I convert my dollars or earned income into bitcoin, I send it out of this wallet into a decentralized wallet that I own.


If you do not have this app, please download it here and get $5 to use as a way to test the steps in this guide and convert it to Bitcoin and send it out of cash app to a decentralized wallet that you own and can exchange to other crypto currencies. If you attach your bank to this cash app account, you will receive a Debit card that helps you liquidate cash or Bitcoin to spend as you do normally.

Wallet 1:

Cash App.

Having your direct deposit set up so that you can receive the percentage of your income you'd like be directed there is something I like to do since I am sure the U.S. Government is going to begin cracking down on people with crypto and their taxes.

I am not a tax expert, but I feel if you have evidence of your income coming in that is already taxed, and you converting it to crypto is not something you should owe taxes on again, since it was already taxed income. Also, sending the bitcoin out of cash app once converted or received, to prevent you from selling the crypto on that platform removes evidence of a taxable event. Let's not sell it on cash app, but rather either trade for gift cards at a discount to the store you planned on shopping at or an Amazon gift card that removes taxes as well or use it to produce more...but not on there.


If you already have Cash App, you want to activate your wallet. Cash App does showcase the Buying and Selling of Bitcoin on their app, but kind of conceals the Send and Receive functions on the platform. If you have never sent any Bitcoin nor received, please navigate to the airplane like icon right next to Buy and Sell and get verified. Once verified you have solidified yourself as a gateway into crypto, and can convert cash into bitcoin, and vice versa as well as send and receive bitcoin.


Once merchants figure out that this QR code style wallet address that you scan to send or receive to eliminate the need for Visa or Mastercard to verify if you have money or not, and also eliminate the fees merchants would have to pay and time that's spent waiting for batch payouts, whereas with crypto, it is paid almost instantly.


You may also use cash app to take your paper cash money and add it to your cash balance to use to purchase bitcoin, however, always remember this is a centralized wallet, and also comes with limits.


I would refrain from going above these limits or avoid anything over $600 per year if you do not plan on paying taxes.




Walgreens, CVS, Speedway gas stations, Walmart, 7-Eleven, Dollar General and Family Dollar to name a few will scan your code, and accept your cash, and it will reflect on your phone all for $1.


If you are wondering if it is a good idea to turn your cash into bitcoin or receive your income in bitcoin or a portion of it instead of the US dollar, here is a good illustration why....

As of 2/26/2023 - this is the current value for 1 Bitcoin but could be different from today and the time you see Bitcoin's Current price. Many would agree that it is better to earn or trade your value for an asset that increases in value over time vs working for a currency that is losing its value over time, as you can imagine if you earned bitcoin on November 20th, 2015 -as the picture's green arrow indicates vs dollars you would have more purchasing power now vs $327.00 that would remain the same - plus prices are expensive and would cost you more dollars today vs then on top of that.

If you notice the prices of things seem to be rising even faster, which provides insight and proof the dollar is losing itss purchasing power and you need more of it to get the same things you used to get for far less.

Having an alternative like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that do the exact opposite won't hurt.

The dollar is infinite. The government can just keep printing it up decreasing its value. Crypto is finite. Only a certain amount will ever exist. This makes it more valuable. The people will want what is fair. It is not fair to labor for something that can just be printed up by a private centralized entity that no one can verify or monitor activity where with crypto's blockchain technology, it can be verified.

Step 2: Exchange

Bitcoin has a very powerful use case and currently reigns over all cryptocurrencies at the #1 spot for its market cap. It is a great store of value that is extremely secure. Look at it as you would with gold. Even though gold is not something you go to the grocery store to spend, it has proven to be a better place to store your funds over a bank.


However, it lacks the "smart contract" aspect of crypto where you can program money to execute when transactions are sent to make them permissionless. Bitcoin is #1 for its use case however more can be done with the #2 crypto known as Ethereum.

In comparison to viewing Bitcoin as gold, you would want to look at Ethereum as you would oil. It is needed to get things happening or moved from point A to point B. "Gas" is a term used for fees, that will make sense as we go along using the "oil" analogy.

In order to exchange the Bitcoin you have on Cash App, you will want to send it to the decentralized exchange walletthat you own.

Wallet 2: Atomic Wallet

I use this wallet to exchange Bitcoin into Ethereum so that I can engage with smart contracts that earn more of the asset as well as daily profit share revenue.

install atomic.png

To do this, download it and then "Create a New Wallet."

atomic create.png

When you create the account, you will be asked to create a password to log in but be aware that this password is not the main password. It is a password strictly for the device you are using. Create a password you are familiar with.


or if using a mobile device, you can also use your fingerprint in combination.


The next step is to secure your Master Key. Anyone that has this has access to your account. As proof of this, this account in this picture can be logged into. I will even send a transaction on this date to verify you can log into the account as well and see you are the owner of this account as well by having these words and I suppose the first one to do this can log on and send it to themselves.... or not, either way there will record of the transaction and where it went. So, it is advised you keep yours safe from anyone that can access your own keys and gain access to your account. (To see the proof, select "Import from Backup" to enter these words and access the account in the picture)


It is extremely important to have a pen and paper handy for this since this is where you will need to secure and write down your 12 worded seed phrase that is the master key to your wallet. Also, if you store it on the phone, and lose that phone, you have no way of putting that wallet on another device. Remember technology gives you the same abilities banks have and more, which also means you are responsible for your own security. You are the sole owner of this account, or you can share this code with someone else and then that person is also the owner. Or in this case with the picture, anyone that reads this article owns that account in the picture. You decide, but it is highly recommended you do not lose or misplace these words. I have taken pictures, emailed myself... many things that require two factor authentication, you name it. Many people forget their passwords; however, this is the most valuable thing to the whole wallet. It gives ownership, since it is the only way one can send and receive or engage in smart contracts. There is no such thing as "Forgot Password" to reset or make a new one. You are responsible for that. If it is lost there is no way to recover the account to you.

first open atomic.png

When you go inside your wallet, you will see that you own multiple wallets for different currencies. For now, let us just focus on two of them. Bitcoin and Ethereum. So, your first step is to click on Bitcoin, and retrieve your Bitcoin Wallet address.


When you click on an asset you will see the options to Receive and Send. Select Receive.

copybitcoin address.png

Here is where you will copy the address to receive your own bitcoin to from your Cash App. You must be verified on Cash App to do this. You can also scan the QR code if you have two devices, phone or computer, which is pretty cool, but also can copy paste if you only have one device and enter it manually.


Do not attempt to type your wallet address in since any mistake will lose your bitcoin forever, copy paste it instead.


Once you know how much you want to send enter the amount here, or you can also select the scanner icon here and enter in the amount this way as well.


Once you have entered the amount you want to send, you will have the option to send at the speed it arrives, and the fee amount you will pay. I use priority unless the fee is outrageous.


After this, it should not take too long for you to receive it in your Atomic Wallet.


Once it arrives select Exchange.


Once here find the Bitcoin logo to exchange into Ethereum. Be aware of the fees as well.


Once you select Exchange it will execute the exchange on its own, and you just wait until it is completed. The time to complete varies. Be patient, it will complete.


Step 3: Web3 and Engaging with Smart Contracts That Earn Interest and Profit Share Daily.

Wallet 3 : Metamask

Atomic Wallet's use case is to exchange, as we did to exchange our Bitcoin to Ethereum, but with Metmask there is a different use case. Metamask is what interacts with smart contracts and ties your wallet address with Web3 technology to browsers cutting out the middlemen of Visa and Mastercard etc., allowing you to engage with certain functions that other wallets cannot do and connect directly to websites using web3. Watch this short video to get a brief introduction :)

Metamask is also a decentralized wallet and will have the same steps as atomic wallet where you must secure the 12 worded seed phrase to create your ownership.

It is advised to set up on your computer vs using a phone for this, however a phone is still possible but tedious to do the activities in this guide that follow after obtaining your wallet.

If using the computer, I recommend using the Brave Browser since you earn crypto ( Basic Attention Token ) for the same usage you would via Chrome or any other browser. You can import your bookmarks as well to make it convenient.


If you do not own a computer, it is fine, just get it from the app store. You will just need to navigate to your settings in Metamask and access the Metamask Browser.


Once you download Metamask, create a new account.



Create your password for the device you are using and write down your 12 worded Master Key for all devices.


There will be a question to contribute to Metamask and to make it better - It is up to you what you decide here.


This is a video in regard to keeping your 12 words secure - please watch if you are still not aware of how important it is to secure.

Get a pen and paper and secure your words.


You are tested here to enter them in the correct order.


Congrats! You now have the #1 tool for 100% Decentralized Finance!
all done.png

Now, you will need to copy your wallet address which sits under

Account 1

and it starts with 0x.

copy ETH Metamask address Account1.png

This is what you will need to send the Ethereum that you received after exchanging it from Bitcoin on your Atomic Wallet to your Metamask now, so that you can engage with smart contracts. :)

Also, if you are on the computer, set up your extension by selecting the "puzzle like piece" in the browser, and finding Metmask. You will want to pin it to your browser for easy access.


So, by now you should know how to send and receive. Navigate back to your atomic wallet after copying your Metamask wallet address, to then paste it in the circled area and then send the Ethereum you'd like to have in your Metamask wallet.


Once you have sent your ETH to your Metamask, let the decentralized games begin!

It is good to take note that with Atomic Wallet and Metamask, you did not have to upload your ID, submit your social security number, not even an email address or phone number was needed, unlike with the centralized Cash App and you have 100% control of your funds at all times. Your password is your identity, and anyone that has this password has the rights as the owner. Also, no age limit, so your children can partake in this from birth.

Introduction to the #1 100% Decentralized Liquidity pool on Uniswap version 2: WISE Token


WISE token is the asset that this guide refers to that will lead you to receiving daily interest, as well as profit shares.

Unlike most crypto, all of them in fact - including Bitcoin, WISE is the only crypto-currency that I know of at this time that is asset backed and it can be verified on Etherscan.io. Etherscan is the blockchain explorer for Ethereum, or a public ledger / receipt of every transaction as it happened in real time.

If you see below, the 1st transaction on December 31st, 2020, of the contract was to send the Ethereum that was used to reserve WISE at a 50-day auction to what is known as a burn address. It starts with 0x, and it is all zeros (0x00000000000...00). This address has no Master Key (12 words) associated with it, therefore there is no way to access these funds. The only function that is allowed is to swap it from Ethereum to WISE and vice versa.


This is something I find that misguides many people that go to look at charts to speculate performance, however WISE's chart is an asset you may want to look at differently and not just as a token alone, but in its element, which is in pairs, since it is backed by an ownerless supply of Ethereum as you can see here on Uniswap version 2.


What is Uniswap?


It is the #1 Decentralized exchange in the world and allows you to swap, and trade currencies without the need of a middleman. Fees collected go to those that lend their crypto to liquidity pools to earn APY, creating a self-governing app for these use cases and many more. WISE dominates this DEX (Decentralized Exchange) currently simply as ownerless, and asset backed pure base layer money on version 2 of Uniswap. It is what gives WISE an actual price floor, where all other crypto currencies can actually go to zero if everyone sold theirs, whereas with WISE it would not go to zero due to this ownerless liquidity that will still remain if everyone sold their WISE tokens.

Launch the App and Connect Your Wallet by using your metamask and Uniswap will read what's available in your wallet right on the website or user interface (UI). If you have ETH in Your Metamask this is where you can acquire some WISE.


If you are using your mobile device copy this raw link, and then go to the settings in your metamask....

and then select the Browser. Copy: https://app.uniswap.org/#/tokens/ethereum/0x66a0f676479cee1d7373f3dc2e2952778bff5bd6

Then you want to paste the links here:


Press "Go".

photo_2023-03-05_05-42-38 (2).jpg

Connect Your Wallet


It will ask you which wallet do you want to connect? If you are new, you are most likely to only have one wallet to choose from, but if you have more wallets, please select Metamask. (No Trust Wallet)


Metamask will then confirm with you and ask if it is app.uniswap.org that you would like to connect to. Confirm.


Once here it will lead you to the swap contract, and also give the standard warning it gives ALL tokens not on a CEX. (Not sure why this asks as a warning coming from a DEX but ok)

Select that you Understand.


Here is where you will need to find WISE token to swap your Ethereum with when you "Select Token"

Copy the WISE Token Contract: 0x66a0f676479Cee1d7373f3DC2e2952778BfF5bd6


Paste the WISE contract: 0x66a0f676479Cee1d7373f3DC2e2952778BfF5bd6
in the space provided and it will appear.


From here enter the amount of ETH you would like to swap. You can select Max and deduct some if you wish. It is always good practice to leave some balance for ETH to cover gas expenses. Every transaction cost a fee, which is referred to as gas. Gas prices vary depending how busy the network is.


Review your swap and confirm your purchase.


Step 4 : Stake WISE Token

Those that Stake WISE earn interest revenue based on the length as well as the amount of their stake in comparison to everyone else on the network staking, and these details are what generate your interest earning power. The value of WISE itself is determined by the market cap of the ownerless locked liquidity and it proves to be a very safe place to store one's values and earn interest.


WISE is #1 based off the liquidity but there wasn't any profit generating apps built on top of this pure base layer or foundation, until of recent. However, if you look at the pair below it (USDC/ETH), it receives far more action in volume and fees, but where do those fees go?


With WISE, there will is a token that will represent WISE profits, or the Reserves called WISEr (WISE Reserves) and if you are reading this guide between March 1st and April 19th 2023 you are in luck and can participate in this 50-day auction as well and get ongoing profit shares of this contract.

... But first, let's get you staked so you also receive revenue from staking and have even more revenue sources since all profits and interest is directed 100% to WISE stakers. This encourages people not to sell since the value is pretty clear cut.

Unlike Bitcoin that uses Proof of Work protocol, WISE's protocol is based on Proof of Stake Protocol.

So rather than use your computer or machines to use energy to contribute to bitcoin's blockchain to verify transactions, With WISE all you need to do is create a Stake for a certain amount of time, and then you are rewarded more WISE, just like with bitcoin mining you earn more Bitcoin if you contribute to the network with your electricity.

So, to create a stake in WISE navigate to www.WiseSetup.com and if you are on your mobile device, do not click that but instead copy : https://wisetoken.net/?w=0x142A534C60e16695cfE2aBab86f8DEcb85d568c0

and then paste it inside of your Metamask Browser.


Select Dashboard as circled, and then connect your wallet.


Currently there is an ongoing auction for WISEr that currently will represent the home page and directing people to the auction (March 1st -April 19th), which I Highly Recommend that you participate in as well, but to stake WISE select the "Alarm clock" like icon on the side bar.


Once here, select "Create Regular Stake".


Here select the details you want your stake to be. The picture represents the best-case scenario in regard to the shortest amount of time for the most interest gained which is 5 years. The max is 42 years; however you will only gain 5% bonus throughout 37 years, vs 25% bonus that accrues in just 5 years.

You also receive 10% bonus for the referral link used in this article, whereas if you go directly to the site without a referral link you do not get this bonus. :)


Complete your Stake and confirm on your Metamask to complete your stake and start earning daily interest. The best times to do this to avoid high gas fees is usually on Sunday mornings, since this is the most inactive time to make transactions on the Ethereum blockchain resulting in cheaper gas prices.


Congrats! You are now a part of the WISE Eco-system!!

The profit generating apps for WISE are <a href="https://liquidnfts.com/> Liquid NFTs Where you can get Instant loans for your top tier NFTs ,


The Owl.Town Lottery Game ,


and after the WISEr auction the WISE Lending & Borrowing protocol will be released, using the funds gained from the auction to seed the borrowing and lending pools to collect fees (profits) from.


To get a better understanding of WISEr ,Please review the tokenomics below, to see that the entire supply will be distributed during this 50-day auction.

To obtain it afterwards will be quite expensive and will only be available if someone sells or rather burns theirs, opening an opportunity for someone to buy. New WISEr must be minted and that requires a 3% fee or more, which begins to raise the price, since I am sure many people will also want to earn profits revenue from the WISE Eco-system after this auction ends. WISEr can also be used as collateral for loans, so it will be hard to acquire after the auction if people involved understand this.


This is also a good diagram that also shows how the eco-system will work with the addition of WISEr

theWISEDOA contract.png

This concludes this guide, and it has been a pleasure disclosing this information to whomever has read this far and learned from it.

But stay tuned for updates that you can find @ www.GetYouSomeCrypto.com or subscribe to @GetYouSomeCrypto's community.

If ever you would like to get in contact with me for questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Ramon Dockins
Mobile: 317-395-3675 (Text first)
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @GetUSomeCrypto

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