Alright! Today the Global Homestead Collective proudly presents a special post all about...
Now, I could fill you in on all the "normal" things about how he lives in Texas and how he has a beautiful family, or how the Yeti (@freedompoint) and I almost got to meet him if I hadn't been sick! grumble grumble
But! I thought it would be so much more fun to give him an interview full of questions we would never know the answers to!
So without any further ado here are 20 questions and answers with @nateonsteemit!
1.) Would you consider yourself more of a hunter or a gatherer?
Hunter for sure. But hunters gather on their hunts for sustainability. All about balance ;)
2.) Crayola just added you to the crayon box, what color are you?
Cornflower blue. Easy.
3.) What has inspired you the most to live a self-reliant life?
Food/financial independence, philosophical consistency, projects, ecology. In that order.
4.) You've been given an elephant. You can't give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?
A.) Put it to work. Elephants are work animals, and I've got work to do. B.) COMPOST THAT POOP! C.) Probably hug it a lot. I'm an animal hugger.
5.) If you were to walk outside right now and find 1 million dollars what would you do with it?
Ooh, I've already got a plan for exactly that situation. Pay off everything for my parents, my mother in law, and my family. Then buy a big piece of property and a lot more seeds and get to work.
6.) What's your ideal climate and terrain?
Big Bend National Park. The mountain desert of Texas. At a glance it's barren, but the life that's there when you look closer is amazing. And it's a very spiritual place for me. It's easy for me to see and be with God in a place like that.
7.) What was the last gift you gave someone?
I bought my wife some rings with our kids'names on them for Christmas.
8.) How long would you say you've considered yourself to be self-reliant?
Zero days. Getting there though. Eating a meal that was produced from your yard is cool, but I'm not to the point where I can do that sustainably yet.
9.) How long have you been on Steemit?
Almost a year.
10.) How did you hear about Steemit?
I heard about steem from @bigdeej in the trollbox chat when I first got into crypto. Shortly after that, I quit Facebook and have been putting down roots on steem since then.
11.) With price of Steem being so low, what keeps you coming back?
The people! There's so many awesome people here with so much to share. Through communities like GHSC and NatMed there's so much to learn, and one day I'm gonna be able to give back and teach folks. That's my goal. Steem may be down, but you can't keep a good community down!
12.) Who has been the most inspirational for you on this platform?
Oh gosh hahaha. That's really hard, but I'm gonna go with @sagescrub. His innovation and work with Homesteaders Co-op is just awesome and I can't wait to see it spread to other sustainable market niches all over.
13.) Can we find your work on any other platforms?
I'm on sometime as @nateonminds, but other than that just steem and discord. I've got a weku page as @nate and I need to post there more often, but always forget.
14.) Have you had to make any sacrifices to get where you are today?
Sure. But in light of where I'm at, most sacrifices are inconsequential.
15.) If the GHSC were a physical location, full everything homestead and self-reliant, where would you find yourself the most?
Digging. I love soil and being in the dirt planting and building things.
16.) If you could interview anyone within the self-reliant community, on Steemit or otherwise, who would it be?
As of right now, @bobydimitrov for someone on steem. Off steem, Geoff Lawton.
17.) If you were in charge of the GHSC mess hall for a day, what would you feed us all?
Oh goodness, there's a lot of people there! Umm, bacon and eggs is my old standby for feeding people. Melissa would make the biscuits and bacon gravy cause I'm terrible at that part lol For vegans, Melissa showed me an awesome looking avocado spinach salad the other day that I'm gonna try soon.
18.) Are there any skills you are currently trying to hone?
Yes! I'm working on this bamboo lashing stuff so I can build things out of local sustainably sourced wild materials. Part of my foray into Wildcrafting. And tree guilds.
19.) Has there been one thing in particular you've learned about yourself this past year?
How deeply I need a project. Perhaps an insecurity, but it's one that's easily harnessed to make progress. I'll deal with the insecurity once all the projects are done, so when I die. Sounds like a good plan.
20.) If you could meet any one person in the GHSC community who would it be?
That's a hard one. Probably @mountainjewel. She's a really sharp chick and is into a lot of stuff that I'm working on learning about.
I hope you liked getting to know @nateonsteemit as much as we did!
Like always, the Global Homestead Collective is here to Unite, Educate and Encourage! Please join us on discord, and be apart of this amazing community! We couldn't do it any of this without you!
Much love,
Stacie D
Join Us On Discord.
Great to "meet" cornflower blue @nateonateemit. So interesting how many of us joined because of crypto but are hanging around for the poeple and communities
Posted using Partiko Android
It is crazy! I never would have thought that we would have met so many amazing people and made such great friends!
Go GHSC go!
It was an honor to be featured here today and I'm looking forward to seeing the community grow :)
Thank you so much for letting us get to know you better! This community is just getting better and better!
Nice! Thank you so much @nateonsteemit and of course... @ghscollective for interviewing him! It's great to get to know someone better and better each time!
You're welcome! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
It's been wonderful getting to know you Nate. Love that you are into making structures with sustainably sourced natural materials. Also full of admiration for your plans for a forest of fruit trees where people can just come and pick whatever they want.
Someone really needs to leave a million dollars ~ Or two on your doorstep because the world would be all the better for it. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
Nice getting to know someone better who is doing so many good things here on the Steem platform... I am glad we are in some of the same great communities together; I see all the good you are doing and wish you every success because you deserve them! @nateonsteemit.
And thanks @ghscollective for the great post!
Hey! Thank you! @nateonsteemit gave a great interview!
Wow I really enjoyed this interview! Compost that elephant poop!! LOL :) Its very nice to get to know you better @nateonsteemit :) You are an interesting fellow with lot of heart.
Haha I loved his answers...had me laughing the whole time!
Great interview @nateonsteemit cant wait to meet your composting elephant what would it be called 😅
Posted using Partiko Android
We want to meet it too! 😂
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Thank you for providing this!
It seems we have been missing a lot from this awesome community. Go #ghsc and we will be more active this year! Great interview @nateonsteemit and keep doing the wonderful stuff you do.