My first attemp:)
Hi to everyone! I'm new to Steemit and it's my first post so don't blame me to much if I'do anything incorrect:)
Here will be lots of me my trips and thoughts but first...
Me in internet
vs me in real life:)
So the question is... Should I show here real funny me or it's better to pretend a lady?:)
I enjoyed your post and my advice to you would be to use Steemit to express yourself. Be who you are and don't worry about anything else. As long as you enjoy it here and love what you are doing then you will succeed. If you try to be something you are not then you will only cause anguish for yourself.
Thank you,
Spencer Coffman
Oh that’s so true about being yourself!😊 It works not only here but in our real life as well. You will always feel if someone try to pretend the person he has nothing mutual with☝🏻
Yes, that is very true!
Hey, you are funniest monkey in the forest.
Don’t you think I’m beautiful?:)
Welcome to Steemit! Always be yourself
a good start !! keep it up !!!!
Looking awesome your first post!) Welcome on Steemit!🖤🍏
Wooohooo! Thank you so so much!
And I love your second picture lol))))
Welcome honey! 😘 I like you eitherway 😊
Thanks hun!😘🤗
Hey that’s me 😸
Love it🎀🎀🎀
Welcome to steemit and be your self ;)
Katty, ты никому ничего не должна. Совсем! Поэтому будь какой захочешь. Сегодня-леди, завтра-сумасшедшей. Послезавтра- строгой.. Что тебе мешает быть разной. Прислушивайся к СЕБЕ!!!!!!!
Или так! Это еще лучше!
⭐️⭐️⭐️Super very good girl 😻😻😻welcome to steemit!!!!
Thank you! It seems it's gonna be fun here