
Civ games have pretty great music. Changing as you go through the ages!

I am usually too busy fiddling and micromanaging things to notice it :D I don't get time to sit back and relax with the way I play the game... that is to say, I am not that good when it comes to diplomacy :p

I'm always in for a tech victory, I really get annoyed when another Civ declares war.

I don't think I've ever had a tech victory :p Glad to see you like to resolve conflicts without starting a war ;)

Ha, I don't start the wars, but I'm happy to fight them!

The only way to deal with belligerent nations in my opinion - talk in a language that they can understand :D

Then we have to include games like Life is Strange, Terraria, The credits song in Portal and Pokemon for the sake of nostalgia :D

I'll need to get Life is Strange on my to-play list at some stage... the older (Japanese) games had some pretty incredible music for sure!

Life is Strange is absolutely worth its time. One of my favorite games :D And after playing the first game you can just go on with the second part they finished this year