
i have voted you for witness...i truly hope that you will no longer deceive and mislead and will put all steemians whether minnow or whale in consideration when using your buildawhale account fairly and not just fill your followers accounts and shaft all other naive minnows with less than what they pay in sbd.....all your actions are on the blockchain sir...i do not want to remove my vote for you as witness as when or if that day comes it will be the last for your account...good day sir

I have never deceived or mislead, I have provided proof to everything I have said, just none of you care. I continue to get nuked by @haejin and @ranchorelaxo and the rest of them because I'm an easy target and can do a lot of damage with little effort.

Just posted the entire situation here:

so you have never used buildawhale for your own profit?

No I do not, you can scan the entire blockchain and see I do not do that. In the first few weeks I did a few times but only took small amounts like 1-2% of the bid window until it took off.

Anyone who knows me I am very strict about not manipulating the bid windows. You will find this is very common practice though.

and you have never upvoted your own posts with buildawhale? have never received funds from bernie? your never used buildawhale for flagging?

I haven't upvoted my own posts from @buildawhale outside of the early days when I first started the bot 4-5 months ago. But I think I already covered this.

I have received funds from Bernie when I built the randoawake Chrome Extension.

@buildawhale has never flagged, not once.

Got any more accusations?

Oh look, someone who just got here yesterday with daddy's money and mommy's delegation is making threats from behind the mask of a merely weeks old account with a name and rep nobody ever heard of. Be very afraid MarkyMark, this guy nobody ever heard of must surely mean business. LOL. Where do these fools come from?

if your talking about me then your next tough have been warned


Poor child.

Golly thanks Beaver! I hope mom doesn't find out.

pffft. have a nice day, "tough guy" hahahahaha

What a petulant child.

Buhbye babycakes

Within our community of writers on Discord resides a lady called @Rhondak. She runs an animal sanctuary. What she does, she does for love, not for profit. In fact, quite the reverse.
She receives so little aid from public agencies or her local community that she is currently using the rewards from her posts on Steemit to feed and care for the animals that she has rescued. The recent rise in value of our cryptocurrency was cause for celebration in her little household.
Come Christmas, there were tears when one of the transfers went amiss and she thought some of the animals might go hungry as a result. It wasn’t a large amount of money but it was significant. Every penny counts. Personally, I think Rhonda would have ensured every one of them were fed before she was.
A member of our community stepped up in true Christmas spirit and set things right.
Rhonda is no crazy cat lady. Her sanctuary is a registered charity set on seven acres of land reserved for this purpose. Since 2013, she has rescued around 650 dogs, more than 50 cats, three birds, two goats and a pig called Hamlet.
Over 300 of those dogs were puppies and half the cats were kittens. All of them were spayed or neutered at her expense before they went to their forever homes.
It is hard to imagine any other charity that would be changed so much by 100 Steem. In the depths of winter, money is tight in the sanctuary and this would ease a significant burden. This capital would directly and almost instantaneously affect the lives of many neglected or abandoned animals.
Two of our members, @bex-dk and @tinypaleokitchen, have been known to write pieces for the sole purpose of raising money for the charity. One of those stories, Eve’s tale, can be found right here along with a video exploring her journey as an abandoned puppy:
We have a radio show that airs every week. Our members participate while the mods make light of current affairs. There have been occasions when the show has been heckled, while Rhonda is talking, by cockatiels, goats and pigs giving their opinions in the background.
You just can’t make that shit up.
None of them would be making any noises at all without Rhonda. The world would be a poorer and infinitely darker place for these animals if she did not cushion their fall.
Her work is absolutely without recompense in any way other than the joy she receives from saving those unwanted pups. Those kittens, birds and pigs that have no control of their own destiny.
They have no-one else to fight for them, to care, to stand in the way of their destruction.
She is the final recourse for them all.
If that’s not a worthy cause, then I don’t know what is.
Did I mention she is a raccoon whisperer? No? That’s another story. Next time, I’ll introduce you to Glory. Even trash pandas are not immune to kindness :)
On the off chance that you choose this charity, I request that you don't do 50/50. This cause needs it a lot more than I do. Please give it all to @Rhondak.

What John says is very true. And I know for a fact that @rhondak feed the @tarc animals before she feeds herself. One of my donations in the summer meant that she could afford mustard sandwiches to go with her serving of lawn greens instead of spending every penny of her grocery money on dog food.

I've been following the Tazewell Animal Rescue Coalition (@tarc) since before it had a name. I've seen her beg her community for support. Beg them to treat their animals with just a modicum of decency. Beg them to at least obey the mediocre animal welfare laws of the area. But the area is so poverty-stricken that thinking of animals as anything more than disposable is beyond most of them. And those who try to support her often find themselves facing opposition in the community, where the leaders would prefer things stay as they are.

Rhonda takes in abandoned, abused, and neglected animals. She does what she can to get them the necessary vet care and to do whatever training is needed to get them into loving homes. Unfortunately not all can be rehomed responsibly and those have permanent home with her in sanctuary care. Most of the animals she can rehome are transported North--often at her expense--for adoption through rescues and organizations in more affluent areas.

Her greatest dream is to some day be able to fund a low cost spay and neuter program to help put a stop to the tidal wave of unwanted animals. There are no programs of that sort available to her community. She works with a wonderful vet, but the vet has expenses as well.

This is an organization where 50 steem will make a huge difference. This is an organization where every penny or partial penny MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

I remember Eve. Her story is quite the tear-jerker. If not for Rhonda, she'd have died from the cold or the infection.... unless a fox or other predator got to her first. That is the fate of many unwanted animals in that part of Appalachia. Eve is lucky Rhonda came along at the right moment to give her a happy ending.

It's not 50 Steem, Bex. It's 100. Rhonda's project would get it all. I'll edit the post and make that clear.

AWESOME! Then all we can do is cross everything and hope

This is a real charity and I've seen the results. My vote goes here. Thanks John for raising awareness and thanks to Rhonda for everything you do.

Been helping @Rhondak down in the trenches for five years now, adopted two dogs and sponsored several others personally. I'd love to see her get a rescue van someday. And spruce up the area where the dogs live.

Yes ma'am, you certainly have been with us from the beginning. Volunteering at events, co-driving transports all over the East Coast. Couldn't have done it without you.

Now if we could just get ourselves up to Maine, down to FL and then to the West... XD

So. Ummm I am a small supporter of @tarc and @youarehope. @tarc from before it had a steemit account and @youarehope from its inception.
I'm was torn between who should get my vote: so a coin toss decided that it should be @tarc.
I'll make it up to @youarehope in otherways!

TARC needs the boost worse, good call. Save the dawgies!

Oh, SirCork, that is so sweet of you!

@sircork, you are doing such wonderful things with YouAreHope. You have my full support always, as well as that of the Writers' Block.

You know the details, so you know how very much that warms my heart and means a ton to me of you to say. Thank you Rhonda very much! <3

Both are very good causes.

Thank you for your support. You're very right that was a hard choice for me too.

John, you never cease to amaze me. I woke to a notification about this comment and now I am just completely humbled. Thank you.

This! Animals can't speak for themselves. We must support their voice.

I'm currently working for ARC, and the blockchain helps with compensation. So ARC is not only helping the animals, but also helping people, like my son and me. With Steem on its way up, and SBDs strong through the holidays, I was able to provide Christmas for my family. So not only do I see firsthand how much effort rhondak puts into the animals, I also see how community-minded she is, not only for the local area here in Appalachia, but for our Steem community as well.

I think this is a easy question - the community closest to my heart is Steemit. I guess it has to be. It has changed my life so much, in the few months I've been here. I realized last night, as the New Year rolled in, that I am truly happy and a lot of that is thanks to this wonderful group of people. I find myself eagerly writing on this awesome platform. It's not work, although it pays; it's not an obligation, it's my favorite part of the day.
I have reached heights I couldn't even imagine, because of Steemit. I have done what I love most in the world - writing. About what I like, how I like. To quote Stephen King, it's the best gig in the world.
I love the people here, for so many reasons - because I have met such wonderful, kind, smart human beings on Steemit. People willing to fight for what they believe in, people who refuse to be silent. And when I say that, I think of many people and groups here, on this platform, but one of the greatest, I believe is @familyprotection.
They are doing such an amazing thing. When I first came here, I was very naive, I realize now. I didn't imagine half of the horrible things that go on in this world - babies being torn from their parents, abuse of innocents, monstrous things.
And the first few posts I read by @familyprotection made me shiver, puke and close my eyes. But then, I came to the realization that if we do that, the monsters win. So, we must be aware. We must know about the many horrible abuses in this world, in order to fight back. I imagine what they do isn't easy at all, I don't think I could write about all the awful things they write. And I believe that, to put yourself through this strain, in order to spread the word, to educate others and help families in need is one of the most incredible things one can do.
I am grateful to have found such people, willing to fight for others, for what's right.
And I am grateful to have met all the amazing people I've met here, on Steemit, in these four months. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
My life wouldn't be the same without this place.


The @familyprotection project by @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut (Linda) is one of the most important support communities that have taken shape here on Steemit over the last year. Following the personal struggle's of Marks family really brought the worldwide epidemic to light for me, and to think it started over something we assume would be a basic human right... "I want to home school my child".

I second your nomination for this great project!


I am very touched by this @honeydue & @steempowerpics I can't express with words how I feel right now

And kudos to @themarkymark for this great initiative.

I keep falling in love with this community over and over again.

Bless the lot of ya!

yeah this is a great nomination, @familyprotection has brought a voice to the huge corruption within child services worldwide. It has connected so many people which in turn has made their voice stronger and louder. Our children are our future and we need to all unite in supporting this great project. Nice one @honeydue for putting them forward.

I vouch for and am involved with a charity called @youarehope. They have been using the STEEM blockchain to benefit countries and people that normally would not be able to receive aid due to transaction fees and the fiat mess. I have been running a fundraiser via @thealliance to assist them in their efforts, you can read about that here. And I have even personally taken up an initiative and am trying to arrange my own relief effort in Syria. My vote goes to @youarehope. They have ***ALREADY*** helped people in Nigeria, Venezuela, & Puerto Rico. #thealliance witness @sircork is just getting started with this, and those that see what he is trying to accomplish and have a heart, will surely want to help. Happy New Year!

I really love @sircork and this idea of his.

Thanks @nicnas, in a world of selfishness, a selfless act shines brightly.

Well said 👍

The best way of describe this is ❤️ HEART!
Doing things to help others. Selflessness!

Such a great way forward!

Always with you on such noble initiatives.

I support this

Totally agreed. I believe at @youarehope and what @youarehope can do more.

One of the best thing happens in 2017 is to be with @youarehope. @sircork, a visionary and a good friend who helps things work out to our less fortunate brothers/sisters anywhere in the globe. #thealliance keeps the strong command of our dear creator "LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU LOVE ME" there is no great commandment to do so.

Happy New Year to all and God bless!

Wow, that is a most honorable comment. Thank you, we are humbled :)

I'm literally welling up with tears right now.

There's no crying in baseball! 😋

Awww.... No need 🤗

I am a veteran so to me some of the charities I will support is vet charities. With that being said I do not believe that most vet charities are worth supporting as most of the money they are donated goes to the people running the charity and not to the veterans. I do not know this as a charity but they help vets here on Steemit. Sometimes if it was not for Steemit I would have been a true mess, it has been a way for me to have something to take my mind of some of the problems that I have from service. It gives me and outlet to go to when depressed or stressed and thinking things that I should not be thinking. I would like you to consider The Veterans Project ran by @chairborne. They could use the donation to power up the group and help other vets on Steemit. I would love to have the split but if you choose this group to donate to please donate the full 100 steem to them instead of splitting it. It is better to help all vets through this group instead of one or a few. Thank you for all you do and Happy New Year! Here is a link for you! Upvote for visibility!


Hi and thank you for the opportunity to share a charity I really like, and the chance to win a donation for them!
Here is their Facebook page:
Here is their web site:

The charity is called Heroes and Angels. They are located in the Little Rock, Arkansas area and help families affected by childhood Cancers. Unlike many charities that help with medical expenses, Heroes and Angels helps the families with things like everyday expenses, utilities, gas cards, hotel rooms when needed to be near the treatment centers, and can sometimes help in giving families a nice holiday surprise or short break from what they go through on a daily basis.

I first learned about the charity last May when we traveled from here in Tulsa, OK to do the Little Rock Comic Con. We do many shows in Arkansas, I often joke we spend more time there than here in Oklahoma. At this show I met a young lady who I talked with for some time. Her mom and family are big horror fans and one of the big reasons we do shows is because I am an author of horror movie trivia books. So she say my books and said how her mom would probably love to have me come to her show. Apparently her mom Brandy had just held the first Heroes and Angels Comic Con the week prior to this event. We went on to talk about what the show and the charity was all about. Then over the course of the next two or three shows we did in the area I met and talked with Brandy herself. Brandy's reasons for starting with the charity is because her own daughter has suffered through multiple rounds of childhood Cancer, and luckily at the moment is in remission. I am now going to be an author guest at their next Comic Con coming up in April, 2018. I am looking forward to supporting the charity by being at their show at our own cost and even providing them with 2.25 inch buttons to sell and raise money for the charity.

Fast forward to this past November when we did another show in Little Rock. This was supposed to be a big anime and cosplay event where the charity was invited to run the "kid's room" and were offered about $2,000 from the proceeds of the show by the show promoter. This money was supposed to cover the charities Christmas Stocking program. The program provides stockings to all of their Heroes (the children with Cancer) and their siblings. The stockings are loaded with everything from socks to color pencils and everything in between.

The show turned into a total ripoff! The promoter was a con-man and took off with everybody's money. None of the special guests got paid, hotel rooms that were supposed to be paid for were not, vendors were screwed over in a number of ways, but most importantly, the Heroes and Angels charity were out their $2,000 with just 5 weeks to go until Christmas.

Luckily the cosplay and comic con community stepped up to donate items for the stockings, and to donate money for them to purchase other stuff for them. I personally ran a GoFundMe page that raised $400 to finish things off. It turned out to all be a blessing really as so many good people came together that there was enough money to even offer all the families a small care package for Christmas on top of getting all the stockings stuffed for the 50 or so kids.

It was amazing seeing the photos of the kids getting their stockings. Some were stuck in the hospital while others were lucky enough to be at home for the holiday. Regardless of where they were though the pure joy on their faces was priceless.

Now that the holidays are over though there is always an ongoing need for more money to help provide for these wonderful families that are being tormented by childhood Cancers.

Heroes and Angels is a charity that I have grown very fond of and will have a long-running relationship with. I appreciate your consideration of them as the charity to donate to.


Happy New Year everyone! 😁 As the Mother of a 22 year old son with Cerebral Palsy, I have to advocate and offer that the charity United Cerebral Palsy Foundation. I have never gotten anything from them for my son but I know they do help other children and adults with cerebral palsy. There are many ranges of cp, my son has severe Cp as I call it. He cannot talk, he cannot walk, he cannot sit up, etc. However.....he can light up a room with his smile! He has the most brightest and contagious smile ever! On some days if I’m not feeling the greatest and I go into his room and see him smile at me and I feel like if he can smile through all of this then who am I to not smile too! These kids have no way of telling you what they need or want. If you are hungry, you tell someone or feed yourself. If you are in pain, you tell someone to help you like a Dr.

If you have a itch you scratch it! They cannot do any of these. They are often put through so many surgeries, on breathing machines, trachs, ventilators, breathing machines, medicines, dealing with constant severe constipation from not moving. Things of this nature we often take for granted in life.
I guilty myself of yes! I’d love to see any of these children and adults with cp to be helped by others. Let’s give a little bit of ourselves back to them. ❤️❤️
😃🌈🌈 Happy New Year everyone! I wish you all a wonderful New Year! The Year of Steemit 2018! Here is my son right now on New Years Day and yes he is repping Steemit! We are a Steemit family with 5 members on! 👍👍

File Jan 01, 3 36 39 PM.jpege

Upvoted, resteemt..

This is the Organisation i help every XMAS.. but they active all year long to feed and warm up Homeless in my Hometown...

in this post you can see a small video what they doin all day long...

This organisation had it start up when the owner was eating a fast food meal and watched a dude eats out of a trash can... so he decided to do a start to help feeding this homeless out there...

Every XMAS we collect shoeboxes filled with scarfs gloves and all about needed Daily stuff like soap deo and so on...

So this poor guys out there have a bit better world... life on street is harsh enough....

But take a look isnt a active Post but the IDEA still is....

not sure it quite qualifies, but I'd be amiss not to mention the WhaleShares community on discord, which has given so many charities and good causes more exposure, along with a louder "voice"...

The true strength and character of a community reveals itself in tough times, when the SHTF, yet people still choose to stick around, support one another, and try and rise up together to overcome the obstacles before them. That's what truly creates stronger bonds between people.

In the spirit of "The Walking Dead"... It's the shit we go through, together, yet standing tall, and surviving nonetheless, that brings us closer to one another.

And that's basically what the core WhaleShares community has done, despite the WHALESHARE token having been devalued by 90%... yet, the community carries on, it persists and continues, heads held high, still holding post promotion events, members still helping each other as they can, while keeping in mind that brighter days are still yet to come.

Link: WhaleShares Community: WE CARRY ON...!