in #goals7 years ago (edited)

Depression And it's Antecedent Effects.
Looking back at the year 2017 into 2018 today, I couldn't help but be grateful for how far I have come with personal growth.

I fell into severe depression towards the end of 2016 but I didn't even know what was wrong with me, I just knew I didn't want to mix up with anyone and I was tired of constantly trying to explain to everyone why I didn't want to attend a party or even have a hangout solitude was my companion, I practically shut down the world and the noise.

Just 2 of my close friends figured out what was wrong with me and they tried their best not to judge me to to always check up on me daily sometimes I see their calls and just plain refused to pick it up because I just wanted to be alone.

While I slipped more into depression, I stopped calling everyone I know, even my parents and anytime they call, I would always say I'm doing great with a smile and quickly find a way to end the call.

Depression is a silent killer, it snoozes life out of you and takes you through a dark path, the depressed individual is very quick to tell you " I am doing okay" many people miss the signs and they begin to tag these victims as " snobs" or they don't want to call or they don't want to mix up all these I know because I faced them.

The mind of a depressed individual works in the opposite direction, it never comprehends, wants alot of solitude, and thinks suicidal but they would never tell you.

When you notice any slight sign of depression in a friend or family member you just need to:

  1. Never judge them, they recline further.

  2. Help them seek help professional help.

  3. Give a listening ear, when they notice you care enough, they might want to open up to you.

  4. Show so much love, sometimes that would help alot in the healing process.

Many healthy looking individuals are battling with Mental health issues, the less you judge and help them seek help, the easier it is for them to come out of that state.

To those women and men suffering this at this time, know many have gone through this and came out strong! You have got this, seek help, open up to a trusted person, and Never put the keys of your happiness in anyone' s hands you are absolutely worth it.

I am rooting for you.... I hope my story helps someone.



I'm always here for you bestfriend. You know that.
I love you ❣❣