# WHAT is MAN ?

“ What We Believe.”
In the Bible Psalm 8
It is written -
“ What is Man that You are mindful of Him ?”
the Son of Man that You care for or visit Him.”
1. WE are nothing more than Animals
2. We are almost God
1. MAN is nothing more or less than an ANIMAL
Many Writers like Desmond Morris in his books
“ Naked Ape” and “The Human Zoo”
suggest that Man is nothing more or less than an Animal and that
His Social Behaviour goes back to the Jungle.
This Particular Response has been actively peddled since Charles Darwin popularised the Theory of Evolution.
He and Others who followed characterised Human Society as a Jungle
in which only the Fittest survive through struggle.
Both Hitler and Carl Marx used Darwin’s “Origin of Species”
as the Scientific Basis for Their Political Views.
The Christian doesn’t believe that Man is solely an Animal.
He believes That to be both an Insult to Man and a Libel on God.
But This is One of the Extreme Views
continuing to be held by Some People today.
2. MAN is becoming GOD
At the Other Extreme there are Those who are increasingly peddling
the Idea that MAN is becoming GOD.
It is true that in recent years Man has developed His Capacities
in a Variety of Areas ,
to a Point where Some have begun to compare Him with God
and give Him, Divine Status.
For Example :
a) God’s Omniscience He is All Knowing…..He knows Everything.
b) God’s Omnipotence He is All powerful … He can do Anything
c) God’s Omnipresence He is All Present…
able to be Everywhere at once.
d) God’s Eternity He is Eternal …
He has always been and always will be
So One Group says ………….We are …an Animal
the Other says …………..We are…. God
Q. WHAT are We to think ?
The Bible says that…… WE are NEITHER
but It affirms that…………. WE have AFFINITIES with BOTH
IT indicates that
WE are UNIQUE CREATURES on God’s Planet.
a. We move in the Same Enviroment and have Similar Bodies to Animals
b. We also have a Special Affinitiy to God
There are at least
3 Things
The Bible affirms about Man
1. His Dignity
“ Man is unique !”
above….. the Animals
below …….the Angels
a. Above the Animals
Q. What is the Essential Difference between
Men and Animals ?
Some have suggested that He makes tools
He uses fire and cooks his food
He laughs
But the Major Difference =
Man prays
Gen 1:26
“let us make Something Special…. let us make man in Our Image”
GOD Bless you all
I liked your post. I agree with what you write. Many people want to look very intellectual and wise and think they are when they bring to light their theories about humanity without regard to God, but it turns out that they are only hollow and vain philosophies. Those who have known the truth of God understand that even in the simplest of life, as the sunrise or sunset, there we can feel the sweet presence of God and therefore believe in Him and the truth of His word. God bless you.
Thank you, GOD be with you, and bless you all the time