Characteristics of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention and imagination. Thinking and Intelligence.

in #godflesh6 years ago (edited)

In people, as a result of their social lifestyle and activity, a specific personality cognitive process has developed and a particular cognitive process has been developed - thinking. Especially close and kinship with the notion of thinking is the notion of intellect. The two concepts express different sides of the same phenomenon. Intellect is the ability to think, and thinking itself is the process in which the intellect is realized. Thinking - this is a cognitive process, the essence of which is the representation in the consciousness of the personality of complex relationships and relations between objects from the outside world. It is knowledge of reality, based on the use of the previously acquired knowledge about it. Summary thinking is characterized by three main points: thinking is done internally; it is a process in which some manipulation of knowledge takes place; it is purposeful.

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The task of thinking lies in revealing the essential, necessary connections. Thinking is a generalized representation of reality in the person's mind. In addition, thinking is also an immediate representation of reality. Adequate knowledge of the reality that is constantly undergoing change, development, dying of the old, overwhelmed, and the development of the new, the emerging, gives only the thought that reflects the world in its multilateral relations and relations in the laws of its motion internal contradictions development. Practice is a source of thought. It is also the area in which the results of the mental activity are applied. Thinking is done through words, language. The relationship of thinking with language persists regardless of whether the person expresses his thoughts aloud or in his mind. Drawing from what has been said so far, it can be determined that thinking is a generalized representation of reality in the person's consciousness through the words and mediated by the available knowledge closely related to the sensual knowledge of the world and the practical activity of the people. The starting point of the thought process is usually a problematic situation. One begins to think when there is a need to understand something new that is lacking in his previous experience.

The emotional self-confidence of the thinking subject is linked to the dynamics of the mental process. In fact, the real thought process is related to the whole person's mental life. Thinking involves involuntary and arbitrary components. Associations that lead to unmanageable relationships may arise as arbitrary ones. The simplicity of the thought process is primarily provided by the thought processes. They, like any other action, are under the constant control of the person himself. Verification, criticism, and control performed characterize thinking as a conscious process. This consciousness manifests itself in making mistakes, only the thinking person can be wrong. Any thinking to one degree or another is done through concepts. The thought process usually involves within itself, in unity and interpenetration with concepts and more or less generalized images - concepts. That is why people can think not only with abusive concepts, but also with images. The thinking operations are: - analysis - mental dismemberment of the whole or the thinking differentiation of its individual properties or sides; - synthesis - is the mental association of the parts of objects and phenomena or the mental combination of their traits, properties or sides; - Comparison - is the mental separation of individual parts or properties of objects, which makes it possible to search for and establish the similarity and the difference between them.


Thank you :)

Your insight is very valuable. It's interesting to, well, think about thinking like this.