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RE: The Greatest Transfer Of Wealth: What You Need To Know

in #gold8 years ago

I have been reading about this for 10 years now, so is there any news on when it might happen? Cuz I sure wish I had put the money into the bitcoin when I first heard of it, but got convinced by the gold sellers that crypto wasn't real cuz it's not phyzz! I ended up buying some btc when it was 200, and I have booked a nice profit on that, but if I had not been invested in the gold and silver, waiting for the mythic 'moonshot', I would have put more into btc, and I would be a multi-millionaire now. But no, I had to listen to all the metal guys!


Yea, gold is not for people looking to make a quick buck.

Well, if you've still held your gold/silver, good for you! There's nothing like diversification. Occasionally I keep adding to the stack, but just getting my toes wet in crypto. It never hurts to have a bit of everything LOL... something is bound to work. Although, yes, there is little doubt that the fiat dollar, backed by air, will fall. What's that saying? 90% of the movement happens in 10% of the time? ...or something like that... hang in there.

The fiat dollar is not backed by air, but oil. I am not convinced of any of the arguments for a new monetary system to be rolled out after a crash, I think that is hopium. Gold could be added to the SDR, but it does not show up even as a pending decision by the IMF. If I could be convinced that the cryptos will just create a parallel system that will not be outlawed by TPTB I could have more faith in it. But the bankers want it under their control, so how would that be better than what we have now?