RE: IMO: GOLOS became a Digital Fascist state over-run by Nazis from the weird part of the Internet!
Бустер был ответом на квадратичные выплаты, которые вы до сих пор не убрали, чтобы контролировать распил пула.
После того как вы начали мочить флагами инвесторов вместо того, чтобы ввести линейную кривую выплат уйдут не только авторы, но и инвесторы.
К тому же метание флагами создает нездоровую атмосферу, вовсе не дружелюбную.
В общем я впервые вижу, когда команда откровенно гробит перспективный проект, аналогов в Рунете у которого еще нет.
The booster was the answer to the quadratic repayments, which you still have not cleared to control the cut of the pool.
After you began to wet the flags of investors, instead of introducing a linear payment curve, not only the authors, but also investors will leave.
In addition, throwing flags creates an unhealthy atmosphere, not at all friendly.
In general, I see for the first time when the team frankly destroys a promising project, which has no analogs in RuNet.
The curve is not the main trouble. The trouble is garbage content promoted by boosters without any revision and quality assurance. Also, big number of different boosters which drives the head crazy. Even if one legit author with quality post decides to legally promote his/her post, he can't do it easily.
Author needs to perform deep research on which "Promotion Service Provider" to use. Most providers requires to input very big investments to overcome the swarm of shit-posters with big cash.
Low quality content boosters make so huge noise! Newbie can't afford to join these gamblings. So, they just become unseen and hungry for readers.
No readers, no reason to post a quality.
This is a issue in steemit too... A lot of crappers do trash content and do high bids, communities should be active and selective.