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RE: "Our government" is a lie

in #government5 years ago

"for the people by the people" is one of the biggest lies. As long as they can make you believe YOU are the (political) government, you'll stop noticing its crimes. Governments are not for the people. They are for a subset of the people. Governments are not "by the people". If they were, they wouldn't be violating the people for the power and control of that government. Governments are for government and for wealth and power, and by government elites.

"no man is an island... No one man is capable of being self sufficient"
Who is suggesting otherwise? Not me. I am all for cooperation. Government is the opposite of cooperation. It is coercion at the barrel of a gun. If you have rejected consent, you have rejected cooperation. And if you advocate statism you are rejecting consent.

"to attempt to forge order and organization" Again, this has zero to do with political government, which are commonly guilty of imposing too much order and organized oppression. No thanks.

" wasn't long ago that we as a species were engaged in tribalism". Humans are still tribal. Politics, "school spirit", and sportsball are current examples. Tribalism isn't harmful until you impose a winner-takes-all state. Until you add politics to the mix.