What if it was around your very corner! Communities are a power house: part 1 article 3

in #government6 years ago

What if.... everything. you. needed. was. around. your. very. corner? And, at affordable prices without fees and suffocating regulations? I mean where do standards come from anyway? People!! So have we fallen so far that we need government to tell us how to behave, think, do, spell, walk, talk, eat,mate? If so this article isn't for you.

What if the doctor I needed was right around the corner without all the crazy paperwork? Without the need to produce insurance paper work; without long lines; without unscrupulous doctors wanting to make a retirement check out of your illness;without the many things people have annoyance and nasty taste in the mouth after the visit?

What if the food that you need to keep healthy was at affordable price; not spayed with gas to make it look ripe; not engineered to grow fast and taste horrible; not controlled who gets what type of food by a central body of CEO and VPs on the other side of the globe, sitting in a nice office overlooking a great city view; and not regulated by the governments?

Side thought: governments. Comes from the word to govern, which is control for the controllers purposes, which is another from of soft slavery, but it does not hurt much except that you feel many pains for a long long time until you die.
Hmm govern-men. Why is the word "men" in there? Govern-men, all men, all humanity. But gosh govern-men sounds way to obvious to use this way in a sentence, lets add a "t" to the end, government. Good, much better, gives the word a vague feeling. What the hell is government?? LOL. Perfect. Does the job.

Enough of the side thoughts, but I feel you should at least think about that one, got more next time, perhaps.

But do you get my game? Play it. Ask yourself the what if question about your community and what can be done about it.
What if my community had X,Y,Z? How can I make that happen? It may be far flung but who is to say life isn't far flung already? Do we know why we live? Time to make our communities great again. I am like you; I have some clues but not all the answers. It will take more questions and answers to create self-sustaining communities. I, like you, am in the process of thinking examining and just having fun with it.

Here is one doctor that is doing it: http://unorthodoc.com/. I started my steemit to talk about what I think could be, and to inform people about their hidden potential to create an infinite number of realities.

Recall from article 3 that communities are money. We create products therefore we should control the creation of money. Currently the banksters, politicians, and corporations control this supply which causes great harm to this beautiful planet. If you are not aware, find out: google on YouTube Michael Tellinger. There are others. Search and you will find :)

Back to the what if scenario, love that what if game; it makes me feel like I am in control of my destiny in some weird way.
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This should be article 4, sorry!