If you are looking for an international grant, you’ve come to the right place!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #grant7 years ago

If you are looking for an international grant, you’ve come to the right place! Though it may seem overwhelming, we have gathered all the information you need to make an educated decision here.
The listing below is an immensly helpful source found at: http://staff.lib.msu.edu/harris23/grants/privint.htm
International Grants – Philanthropy
FREE E-Book: How To Use Data To Manage Your Nonprofit
Read this E-Book from DonorPerfect to learn how data and reporting can help you operate more like a business while staying true to your organization’s mission.
Aga Khan Foundation
The Aga Khan Foundation is a non-denominational, international development agency established by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1967. Its mission is to develop and promote creative solutions to problems that impede social development, primarily in Asia and East Africa. Created as a private, nonprofit foundation under Swiss law, it has branches and independent affiliates in 12 countries. It is a modern vehicle for traditional philanthropy in the Ismaili Muslim community under the leadership of the Aga Khan.
American-Himalayan Foundation
A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the people and ecology of the Himalaya.
Asia Foundation Grant Guidelines
The Asia Foundation undertakes grant making with organizations as a collaborative process of problem identification and strategic planning within our four areas of programming interest: Governance and Law, Women’s Political Participation, Economic Reform and Development, and Regional Relations. Please review our country programs highlights and current Project Lists to see if your project falls within the scope of the Foundation’s current programs. Most grants are given to organizations in Asia and no grants are given to individuals.
Asian Development Bank
Supports development initiatives in Asia and the Pacific.
Canadian Based Foundations
A list of web links provided by Custom Development Solutions, Inc., a consulting firm located in Isle of Palms, S.C.
Canadian Government Grants and Loans
The Canadian Government has over 900 different programs through which it offers low-cost loans and grants to citizens of Canada needing affordable business financing. The estimated annual expenditure for programs administered at both the Federal and Provincial levels is in excess of ninety billion dollars ($90,000,000,000).
Central and Eastern Europe-Focused Grant makers
A compilation of Africa-focused grant makers compiled by the Foundation Center in Philanthropy News Digest, March 27, 2001. Includes: Civic Education Project, Microfinance Centre, Network of East-West Women, etc.
Charity Village
Contains links to Canadian foundations and a directory of nonprofits. The site links visitors to news, career opportunities, listservs, newsgroups and other resources. The list of foundations located in Canada even includes some family foundations.
The Commonwealth Foundation
This British foundation based in London serves as an umbrella to nongovernmental organizations in 51 Commonwealth countries, from Antigua and Canada to Zimbabwe. The Foundation’s special interests include: the eradication of poverty, rural development, health, non-formal education, community enterprise, women in development, disability and the arts and culture. Emphasis is on supporting non-governmental organizations, professional associations, arts and culture, and travel grants.
Cottonwood Foundation
Cottonwood Foundation is a tax-exempt charitable organization, run entirely by volunteers and with no paid staff, that provides small grants to grassroots organizations worldwide that are working for a sustainable future. Cottonwood awards grants to organizations that combine all of the following: protecting the environment, promoting cultural diversity, empowering people to meet their basic needs, and relying on volunteers. Support of such groups makes it possible to really make a difference in creating a better world.
Deborah Kluge’s International Grant makers
Deutsches Spendeninstitut Krefeld
Home page of the German Charities Institute. Includes 31,000 pages on charity, philanthropy, volunteering, and more, with a directory of over 5,200 German charities and other organizations, such as the German Fundraising Workshop, the German Foundation Documentation Center, and others. Check Contents page first. Additional material is provided on email groups, international links, hints for donors, and current updates. Some information available in English, but mostly in German.
The Eurasia Foundation
The Eurasia Foundation is a privately managed grant making organization dedicated to funding programs that build democratic and free market institutions in the twelve New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Union — Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Through its network of offices, the Eurasia Foundation currently awards approximately 1,000 grants worth over $20 million on an annual basis. Field offices are responsible for awarding grants directly to NIS organizations. Averaging $20,000, these grants presently account for approximately 80% of the total grant dollars awarded by the Foundation. For more information, contact the Eurasia Foundation, 1350 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036; E-mail: [email protected]; telephone: (202) 234-7370.
European Foundation Centre
The European Foundation Centre (EFC) promotes and underpins the work of foundations and corporate funders active in and with Europe. Established in 1989 by seven of Europe’s leading foundations, the EFC today has a membership of over 160 independent funders and serves a further 7,000 organizations linked through networking centers in thirty-five countries across Europe.
Fundsnet Online Services International Grants and Funders
Extensive list of web links covering international initiatives, International Foundations (Non – U.S. Based), and other International foundation directories on the Web.
German Foundations Index
Stiftungen in Deutschland provides over 330 links to various German foundations. In German, so you may have to resort to a translation engine like FreeTranslation.com
Gifts in Kind International
Gifts In Kind International, the world’s leading charity in product philanthropy, directs donated quality products and services to the needy. We create partnerships that link companies and their valuable in-kind resources with a network of more than 50,000 nonprofit organizations around the world.
Glimmer of Hope
A Glimmer of Hope is a global, private charitable foundation. We seek to offer a Glimmer of Hope where it is needed most, and to help relieve some of the pain and suffering on the planet.
InterAmerican Development Bank
Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French, this website describes the activities and projects of the IDB. Site provides information about private sector funding for investments and other business activity in Latin America and the Caribbean.
International Service Agencies
A coalition of the nation’s leading international relief and development organizations. ISA’s mission is to help people overseas and in the U.S. who suffer from hunger, poverty and disease or from the ravages of war, oppression and natural disasters by raising awareness and funds in the workplace.
Internet Prospector’s Non-U.S. Foundation Grants
A collection of web links to international grant makers by Internet Prospector.
Izumi Foundation
The primary goal of the Foundation is to support efforts that will reduce the burden of infectious diseases in developing and low-income countries. The Foundation’s geographic focus includes the following countries in Sub-Saharan Africa: Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia. The Foundation also funds in these countries in Central and South America: Bolivia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru. No support for medical research or direct grants to individuals.
Japan Foundation Center
A private foundation established by executives of private grant-making foundations in Japan (1) to provide authoritative information on foundations in Japan that award grants, prizes, or scholarships and (2) to publicize the social role and significance of the activities of private grant-making foundations to encourage the practice of philanthropy in Japan’s private sector. In recent years, the grant-making activities of private foundations have increased in Japan, and these activities now attract public attention. The grant-making activities of private foundations have not yet gained wide public recognition, however, because of the lack of publicly available information on these activities. The Japan Foundation Center therefore serves as a source of up-to-date information on grant-making foundations and their grant programs and makes this information available to grant seekers, grant makers, and the public at large. Be sure to check out the Japanese Foundation links.
Lion’s Clubs International Foundation
Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is the charitable arm of Lions Clubs International (LCI). The foundation’s mission is to support the efforts of Lions clubs around the world in serving their local and global communities by funding humanitarian service projects. Last year alone, LCIF approved more than US$13.9 million in grants for Lions’ districts around the world.
http://www.karmayog.org/ is a new free site to enable individuals and corporations to give their time, talent, money and resources by volunteering, mentoring, giving materials, providing services (free or at reduced costs) to Mumbai-based NGOs, nonprofits, charities, etc.
Make Change! Trust is a charitable fund developed by Internet entrepreneurs and philanthropists devoted to using technology to improve the world. MC!T makes donations to nonprofit organizations that are empowering other nonprofits and the underserved through innovative uses of technology.
Nature International Grants Register
A comprehensive, up to date and easy to use service offered by Nature for locating postgraduate and professional grants available in the scientific fields worldwide. Updated annually, the information offered here has been extracted from Macmillan Reference Ltd UK’s invaluable Grant’s Register.
Oak Foundation
Oak Foundation focuses on global social and environmental concerns. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the Foundation is particularly interested in addressing issues that impact the lives of the disadvantaged. During 2010 the Foundation made grants to 271 non profit organisations headquartered in 41 countries. The minimum grant size is $25,000. There is no deadline for applications. The Foundation has firm, specific guidelines which describe the scope of its seven grant-making programmes. Prospective applicants are asked to familiarise themselves with these prior to submitting a short (one page maximum) letter of enquiry to [email protected]
Relief Web
ReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA). The purpose of this effort is to strengthen the response capacity of the humanitarian relief community through the timely dissemination of reliable information on prevention, preparedness and disaster response.
Rotary Foundation
The Rotary Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs.
Soros Foundation
National Foundations of the Soros network currently operate in 30 countries across Central and Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Central Eurasia, South Africa, and Haiti. The national foundations develop their own programs in support of the mission and strategic goals established by their directors and staff to build open societies in their countries. These programs vary greatly in nature and urgency from country to country. Some foundations, such as Georgia and Haiti, began their programs in 1995, hiring staff, developing priorities, and awarding their first grants. Others, such as Hungary and Poland, have been in the forefront of the movement toward open society since before the revolutionary changes of 1989.
United Children’s Fund
An international charity providing financial, humanitarian, and volunteer aid to some of the poorest women, men, and children in the remote villages of East Africa.
UK Fundraising
UK Fundraising, published since 1994, is a business to business site for UK charity fundraisers and the fundraising industry. News updated daily, with links to courses, resources, book reviews, magazines, and more for those interested in fund raising in the United Kingdom. Gives examples of how the Internet has been used for fund raising activities, both in the U.K. and abroad.
The U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation
A private, charitable organization created in 1995 by the U.S. government in response to the declining state of science and engineering in the former states of the Soviet Union, has received grants totaling $12.5 million for the continuation and expansion of its Basic Research and Higher Education (BRHE) program. The new funds will allow the organization to continue its efforts to improve the research capabilities of Russian universities.
Virtual Foundation
The Virtual Foundation is a unique online philanthropy program which supports grassroots initiatives around the world. Carefully screened, community improvement projects in the fields of environment, health and sustainable development are posted on our web site. They can be read and funded by online donors.
Provides partial access to a database covering funding opportunities available from European institutions such as: European Commission, EBRD, EIF, Council of Europe, etc. Full access requires a premium subscription.
World Bank Group
Contains information about the World Banks and its various initiatives to support world development. Also contains information on “Doing Business with the World Bank”.
Worldwide Initiative for Grant maker Support (WINGS)
A network of over 40 grant maker support organizations around the world that have joined together to develop modes of communication and collaboration and contribute to the strengthening of philanthropy worldwide. Sponsored by the Council of Foundations. Also provides an ever-expanding network of organizations participating in Wings, many of which give out funding or funding information.
CanadaHelps.org –
This is a new Canada-focused donation portal website, which provides free online donation processing.
In Kind Canada/In Kind Exchange
Canada’s first “Gifts-in-Kind” program, its purpose is to match the material surpluses of companies with the needs of charitable organizations.
Charity Times (UK)
Charity Times is the leading business/finance title for the UK charities sector.
European Foundation Centre
The European Foundation Centre (EFC) promotes and underpins the work of foundations and corporate funders active in and with Europe.
German Charities Institute
Here you can find information on philanthropy in Germany involving more than 8,000 German not-for-profit organizations and more than 31,000 pages on a website solely addressed to German donors.
Internet Prospector International Reference Guide
Grant Agency of the Czech Republic – The Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GACR) was established in April 1993 by the Czech law No. 300/1992 as an independent institution that should promote progress over the whole range of scientific and technological development in the Czech Republic. Grants are provided to all kinds of Czech state and private research and development institutions and to private persons who are Czech citizens and reside permanently in the Czech Republic. Foreign private persons and institutions can cooperate in work on the grant projects. http://www.gacr.cz/
U.S. Committee for Refugees
NGO Café
The NGO Cafe is a designated Virtual Library on Non-Governmental Organizations
UK Fundraising
UN Foundation
World Bank
Learn about the bank’s regions and countries, operations and policies, partners, and more.
Central and Eastern Europe-Focused Grant makers
The Kubatana Trust and The NGO Network Alliance Project –
An online community for Zimbabwean activists; information portal for the nonprofit sector.
Below is a listing of international grant funders in Canada, Australia and United Kingdom
3M Investing in People
We provide general operating and program grants that make 3M communities a better place to live. Local civic and professional organizations received assistance for efforts targeted to economic and community development and job training. We fund programs in trade, economics and law that foster a free-enterprise system.
Alberta Energy Company, Ltd. – Canada
The Company is committed to enhancing the quality of life in its communities through support of nonprofit and charitable organizations. The Company has established the Go-AEC Foundation to facilitate payroll deduction for employee donations to charities of choice, and the Company’s matching gifts to those charities.
The Arts and Humanities Research Board – United Kingdom
The AHRB provides funding and support in three programs: advanced research; postgraduate research and training; and special funding for university museums and galleries.
Arts Victoria – Australia
The Regional Arts Fund is an initiative of the Federal Government for the development of arts and cultural activities in rural and regional Australia.
Atkinson Charitable Foundation
Areas of funding interest include Early Childhood Education and Development and Economic Justice.
Australian Charities
Their site offers you a searchable data base.
BNI-Misner Charitable Foundation
The BNI Foundation is a nonprofit program that supports charitable causes anywhere in the world.

  1. Armand Bombardier Foundation – Canada
    The Corporation fulfills its social and humanitarian responsibilities primarily through the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation, a nonprofit organization which receives funding equivalent to 3% of the Corporation’s income before income taxes.
    British Telecomm – In the community
    BT touches many aspects of people’s lives, and our overall programs remains very extensive. To see how we are currently assisting the community see: Lifelong Learning, Health and Welfare and Innovation in the Arts.
    Cabot Corporation – North America and Canada
    In 1998, the Cabot Corporation Foundation provided nearly $1 million to Cabot communities throughout the world for projects that are related to science, technology, education, community improvement, culture and the environment. In addition, the Foundation matched employee and retiree contributions to schools and United Funds in North America and Canada.
    The Canada Council for the Arts/Conseil des Arts du Canada
    The Canada Council for the Arts offers a broad range of grants and services to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations in dance, media arts, music, theatre, writing and publishing, visual arts, and interdisciplinary work. All programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations, and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural or regional communities.
    The Canadian Women’s Foundation
    As Canada’s first and only national public foundation for women and girls, CWF has earned a reputation as an organization that is accessible to grass-roots women’s groups.
    Canarie Canada – Health and Education
    Through its Health and Education initiatives, CANARIE is working with other stakeholders to develop a national strategy and action plan for integrating information technologies into health care service delivery programs and distance education programs.
    Chevron Corporation
    Chevron is committed to quality education for universities and schools with an emphasis on grades kindergarten through 12th (K-12). Each year, this commitment is demonstrated by: contributions and grants, Chevron Electronic Classroom (Chevron Video Showcase), free curriculum materials, scholarships, internships, teacher training, employee volunteerism and educational programs, which focus on four key areas: Math and Science, Educational Quality, Human Resource Development, Equal Access.
    Church Urban Fund – United Kingdom
    The Church Urban Fund (CUF) was established in 1988 in response to the growing poverty in towns and cities throughout England. Its mission is to support practical action for justice in disadvantaged and marginalized communities.
    The Commonwealth Foundation – United Kingdom
    As an intergovernmental organization with a mandate from Commonwealth Heads of Government, the Foundation supports non-governmental organizations (NGOs), professional associations and cultural activities. Through grants and a range of programs, the Foundation facilitates inter-country networking, training, capacity- building and information exchange.
    Community Foundations of Canada
    Their mission is to enhance the quality of life and vitality in Canadian communities by supporting and promoting the fund development, grant making and leadership of community foundations.
    Donner Canadian Foundation
    The Donner Canadian Foundation seeks to encourage individual responsibility and private initiative to help Canadians solve their social and economic problems.
    Department of Education Northern Ireland
    The Department of Education has responsibility for the development of primary, secondary and further education, including: higher education; community and adult education; special education; oversight of the five area Education and Library Boards; teacher training, teachers’ salaries and superannuation; examinations; the arts and libraries; youth services; sport and recreation; community services and facilities; and the improvement of community relations.
    Edmonton Community Foundation
    The Edmonton Community Foundation awards grants for charitable activities in the greater Edmonton area in the arts, education, social services, the environment, health, history and recreation.
    ExploraVision Awards Program
    The largest k-12 Student Science competition on North America.
    The Finnish Cultural Foundation
    The Finnish Cultural Foundation is a private, nonprofit foundation established in 1939 for the advancement of Finnish culture.
    Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation
    Dedicated to supporting programs in many areas that strengthen Canada and enhance the well-being of Canadians.
    Hope for Children Foundation
    The Hope for Children Foundation was established to raise funds for child abuse prevention programs of the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.
    IBM International Foundation – Worldwide Initiatives
    Worldwide contributions include grants in Africa, Europe, and Asia, and global initiatives in Environmental Research, Total Quality Management, Job Training, and Management Development.
    Kahanoff Foundation
    Funds traditional and innovative programs in Canada and Israel in areas of health, education, culture, community development, and research.
    The King’s Fund– United Kingdom
    Our main focus is working to improve the health of Londoners by making change happen in health and social care. We also work nationally and internationally. We give grants to individuals and organizations.
    London Community Foundation
    London Community Foundation is a charitable organization that focuses on enhancing the quality of life in the communities of London (Ontario, Canada), and Middlesex, Elgin and Oxford counties (also in Ontario, Canada).
    Manitoba Arts Council / Conseil des Arts du Manitoba
    Offers information on programs and deadlines for arts organizations.
    Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities of Canada (RMCC)
    Provides funding to registered Canadian charities to improve the quality of life for children with serious illnesses, disabilities, or chronic conditions.
    Muttart Foundation
    The foundation has several programs for which it provides funding.
    The Ontario Arts Council – Canada
    The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) is an arm’s-length agency of the Ontario government that provides grants, awards and services to artists and arts organizations across the province. Find out more about our role and mandate in this section.
    Oxfordshire Community Foundation
    The Foundation makes grants twice yearly to groups across Oxfordshire. Those who have benefited include pre-school groups, lunch clubs for elderly people, riding clubs for children with disabilities, a day centre for homeless people and volunteer reading programs.
    Peter F. Drucker Canadian Foundation – Canada
    The Foundation pursues this mission through the presentation of conferences, video teleconferences, the annual Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Innovation, and the development of management resources, partnerships, and publications.
    Prudential Corporation
    This page will bring you to their funding section.
    Queensland Performing Arts Trust
    The Performing Arts Complex stands as a place for people, providing a central focus on the performing arts and offering opportunities for many art forms.
    Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – UK, Ireland, South Africa
    Areas of funding interest: Poverty and economic justice, Handling Conflict & Promoting Peaceful Alternatives, Democratic Process, Racial Justice.
    The Rufford Foundation
    The Foundation assists a wide variety of charities and has a special interest in nature conservation, the environment and sustainable development. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded just under £12 million in donations and supports over 100 charities each year.
    Starlight Children’s Foundation
    The Starlight Children’s Foundation International helps brighten the lives of thousands of seriously ill children through wish granting and other entertainment-related activities.
    Toronto Arts Council
    Toronto Arts Council is an arm’s length body that supports the development, accessibility and excellence of the arts in Toronto. Toronto Arts Council offers grants programs to the city’s arts organizations and professional artists. These programs, funded through the City of Toronto, invest in a broad range of activities from individual creation and small start-up projects to some of Canada’s largest and most renowned arts institutions.
    The Trillium Foundation – Canada
    Trillium’s focus is on building healthy, sustainable and caring communities, described in our vision as ‘communities marked by personal contribution, an abundance of accessible activities and services, and deep and respectful public discussion’. This year for the first time, we are excited to be able to reach out to new sectors in the community to support the important role that arts, culture, recreation, sports, the environment and social services play in the creation of vibrant communities.
    The Trust Fund in Support of Actions to Eliminate Violence Against Women – Canada
    The Trust Fund provides funding for innovative and catalytic initiatives that seek to prevent and eliminate violence against women.
    United Nations Development Fund for Women
    UNIFEM promotes women’s empowerment and gender equality. It works to ensure the participation of women in all levels of development planning and practice, and acts as a catalyst within the UN system, supporting efforts that link the needs and concerns of women to all critical issues on the national, regional and global agendas.
    United Parcel Service – Canada
    Whether it’s supplying disadvantaged youth with quality sports equipment through the UPS Olympic Sports Legacy Program or teaching thousands of parents job skills through our Family and Workplace Literacy Initiative, UPS is committed to investing in the communities where our employees and customers live and work.

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I noted all URLs, will must try one of them