Thanks universe

in #grateful5 months ago

Hello universe,
thank you for what you have been delivering to me. I am grateful for feeling better. For prosperous businesses. For my health. For the nice weather.
For allowing me to enjoy simple things.
I am a creator. My thoughts today, create tomorrow.
So my thoughts today are:
I am wealthy
I am healthy
My body functions optimally
My muscles grow strong.
My body repairs or replaces any cells not functioning properly.
I am financially abundant.
Money flows to me easily and any time I want money for something, the money comes.
My house is amazing and beautiful and paying for it is easy. We can choose any items we want for our house, the cost does not matter as money is limitless and i can access all the money i want or need.
My Australian business is successful and is a $5,000,000 business and $1,200,000 in net profit. My USA business is successful and has revenue of $250,000 and net profit of $75,000 this year.
We are the most well known brand for our market category.
My thoughts create my reality. THis is my reality.
Healthy, wealthy, full of joy and love. I enjoy each day. I am greateful for each day. My children are healthy, confident and happy.
I am the owner of a $6,000,000 home. I am the owner of a $5,000,000 business. I am the owner of USA based $1,000,000 business.
I am god. I am part of the universe. I am always connected.
We are all connected.
I have no place for war or fear in my reality.