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RE: Shine a Beacon for Science: World Community Grid's 14th Anniversary is here!

in #gridcoin6 years ago

I am currently on team Gridcoin, receiving Gridcoin rewards for my computations, but I have linked my WCG account with Byteball too, so I am receiving Byteball rewards as well.

Wait, but one have to be a part of the Byteball team and change his name for something like this @Byteball_c78d2530 in order to get the Byteball rewards... I guess Grigcoin team has the same requirements for their contributors.
How can you get rewards in both GridCoins and Bytes being a member of one of these teams?


You don't have to be a part of the Byteball team to receive Byteball rewards. You have to change your name to Byteball_something in order to register for Byteball rewards, but you can change it back afterwards to your old name (after the registration is complete).

New to Steemit?