Did you have a huge magnitude increase in the current SuperBlock? (October 12: block #1047206, >30h birth time)
Gridcoin users have a new superblock (block 1047206, 2017 Oct. 12, 18:57)
- There seems something wrong though, because we have 2 reports where users had a huge magnitude increase!
- user 2: "My magnitude jumped to 320 in the last 24h and I started to receive lots of GRCs, though it is great, I suppose this may not be correct"
- user1: mag jumped to 530, see pic below
- This SB was created during yesterday's forking situation
- Sadly, this fork overshadowed the 3-year anniversary of our block number 1 :-(
- investigation about this is ongoing, possible causes to look at:
- 3 non-whitelisted projects got into the SB, see here, and below comments
- this SB was generated by mikekolba, with current version
- stats (since August 26): 37h average SB birth time (median = 28h)
Team users:
- 1792 with magnitude
- 2994 without beacon
- 16599 total users
more info coming soon
Erkan (find me on IRC and twitter)
where is my mag jump ? this is not fair :-/
here, I hope my upvote makes you happy also :-)
Huh... My magnitude seemed to plummet (well, was basically cut in half anyway).
did you find out the cause for that ?
No, but I didn't really look into it too far. It has popped back up to where it was. I checked that I wasn't on a fork.
I am still investigating... so nothing concrete... but: could this be caused by the Leiden project ?
from IRC:
No forks, no crashes, no magnitude spikes... is my linux client just boring?
not boring, but you probably was just "unlucky" for getting now additional GRCs
I can confirm a MAG jump. It is three fold higher at the moment. And I am not on a fork.
Interesting. Mine went up , but if you look its been going up. There is a reason for that and its legit from 90 average with less hardware and switching projects etc over the past few weeks to 160 but no sudden jump from like my status to dutch like a few months ago when I hit 1840 from 160 lol. Interesting that he is still a factor, we need to use a math of ###/kikipope for mag/rac and all levels of distribution and it would resolve to show maths that are invalid for the whole team across the board. Basically we are getting screwed and kikipope+grcpool own the majority if teamed up with 1 other user?
Hi, I have this "Time Since Last Reward: 2 months, 1 week, 1 day, 20 hours, 42 minutes, 29 seconds ago" is there a way to fix that ???? I'm sync, up-to-date, wallet unlocked, open 24/7.... I have no clue on what is the issue :(
How much GRCs do you have in your wallet?
Thanks for the answer, I have +- 4000 GRC, last DPOR received on Aug 5...
from reddit:
My magnitude actually went down by half. I noticed that primegrid is no longer included so that is the cause og my magnitude going down.
Anyone know why primegrid is not included in the superblock? I see it is still a whitelisted project.