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RE: 2 Ideas to fix the poll system.

in #gridcoin7 years ago

OMG I could not say this better and have voiced similar opinions , for example the ODLK whitelist approval and whine a whale __ dutch __ on the first vote round turned it from a YES @ 86% and no @ 24% with 1 vote to a 64% no 36% YES and then the person whom contacted the project had them go out of their way to setup SSL for HTTPS even though its only used for the website and you logging into your user and the Boinc client itself does not use SSL to contact the project and get work units same with when it sends them back and uploads them. Additionally he helped them translate their site from Russian , since science HAS to be in English only for Boinc/Gridcoin and the whitelist and we do not have plugins for our web browsers to translate to another language ( mine must be defunct since it does it automatically for me ) although we have a #gridcoin-german and #gridcoin-sweedish channels on freenode and they do not speak or seem to understand English... Then after they took the time to do that ( hell if they got paid like the Gridcoin dev's for their time holy cow that would have been a nice payout ) Although I was so kind enough to copy and paste from my browser the projects webpage in English on the initial vote info on cryptocointalk it HAD to be in English by default because __ dutch __ REALLY wanted to crunch it and he could not
understand it enough to run it. Then we had vote round 2 to whitelist it and his whale vote did not swing it to a NO he showed there is no integrity and honor in our leadership and whined and bitched and cried like a little baby to whitelist a project that did not exist when the polls were both created ODLK1 because he wanted to dedicate his 3.8kilowatts of Boinc crunching it and not ODLK and his whale whine won and instead of the project on the application to be whitelisted ODLK the project that did not even at the time have a DNS entry and was a bare IP only ODLK1 was whitelisted after days of fighting with the person whom found and contacted the project in the first place and guess what??? He did a hit and run , crunching the project that he cared so much about for less than a week. The reason why? Because he wanted the initial whitelist massive magnatude boost , few users equals massive magnitude. So he just did a hit and run and has abandoned the project. Whales and what I call the GRC8 control and manipulate everything to their agenda and we do not matter. It does not matter that they are head of IT for a company or University and install Boinc on machines that do not belong to them violating the TOS of both Boinc and Gridcoin let alone comment human ethics or ethics. I have been crunching almost a year and a half and have a massive not average setup using an HP C-3000 blade enclosure and a mix of BL-460 and BL-480 blades and a plethora of laptops along with AMD 9590 ( current back in its retail box ) and have earned 20k GRC from crunching and around 3000 for attending the bi-weekly mumble sessions when we used to get paid to attend. So your 4k GRC is actually pretty good considering there are people with less and are happy with a mag of 4 and earning 3-4grc a month. I keep saying we need to form a real actual Gridcoin Foundation with checks and balances so that whales do not control everything and your voice , my voice , his voice and her voice all matter the same no matter how much of a users trust fund they spend initially investing cash into Gridcoin. There are users whom actually pay all of their bills monthly , mortgage and car payments along with all of their bills with the Gridcoin they earn monthly. There is a reason that the value of Gridcoin is tanking and you seem to notice and see in plain sight the same BS i have seen and when voice I was shunned and banned from the community and yes i did say derogatory and vulgar things , but in my defense the GRC8 already via their private Slack channel already wanted me gone for pointing out things like you just have so watch out. If you see security issues in the code or unethical practice and point it out you will not be around for long. Yes I am sorry for the vulgar and derogatory things I said it was wrong , I was wrong and I as in the wrong to step down to the level of the whales like NeuralMiner and of our non Boinc crunching leader Customminer and I am sorry , I should have been the better person and walked away and I advise you to do the same if you want to stick around. You are just supposed to zip your lips and shut the hell up if you want to be a part of the " Team " because Gridcoin is a sham and cult following and there is no " Teamwork " and everybody is out for themselves and if they can hack or do something sneaky and get paid more for it , its going to be done whale or not along with the handful of us Greyhat's involved in the community. Look back to July when the Gridcoin network was hacked and what evolved from that. I advise you keep quite and shut up and sit down , they want us to be good little peons and that is why the value of Gridcoin is tanking because the truth comes out and as more people read posts like your post her and my comments and obviously I do not hold back the value is going to continue to drop until the project dies and I do not see it living much longer with the current model of ethics. Thank you for you post , I commend you for saying something and pointing out the rigged Donald Trump style community of Gridcoin we currently have , I wish it was like a family we do not all have to get along or like each other but we should be working together and making it better and fixing BS like 100k to make a vote and trust fund kiddies running everything and whine a whales controlling how things work and function. $48,000 USD paid to the Dev's since ThomasB our head dev hacked the network and because head dev and over 1000 hours and we still have a crappy client that does not function 100% and a linux client that does not have the neural network , only windows. Hell we cant even get the all the damn current features to work let alone they get paid $30hr to fix errors in code they wrote incorrectly in the first place and get pain another $30hr to fix it and since they control the votes are going to get $60hr to screw up and fix their own mistakes over and over. Shame on Gridcoin , Shame on our leadership. Berkeley needs to look into Gridcoin and keep and eye on it and put the dev's in check or drop it completely from interfacing with their code.


This rant was unappropriate. I do not know about dutch's intentions so I can and will not comment on that part. What I know is that putting the blame on dutch completely is wrong!

The communication in the cryptocurrencytalk forums on this topic were a mess.
It was Peppernrino who posted the misleading link to the ODLK's testing branch website, not dutch.
This was cleared up a bit by ICE00 who hosts the testing branch website. But they also made the statement to add two entries to the whitelist if the vote turns out on a Yes. This put up an unnecessary discussion later and again put the wrong project website into focus.
You made it clear what was the reason for the two different websites but on January 16th Neuralminer stated that the vote was concerning the testing branch webstite ODLK1. ICE00 reacted to this without any opposing comment.
The perfect comment on the situation came from Nataly Makarova: "Now the initiators of the vote have problems."
When the vote got through someone made a whitelist entry with the name Odlk1 but the team stats url for ODLK.

Now, please enlighten me. In which parts of this huge mess of miscommunication do I need to add lines for dutch having something to do with it?