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RE: [Deleted]

in #gridcoin7 years ago

Ahh I know what you meant about the responsibilities of adulthood - my gaming time has mostly been replaced with DIY time / BOINC time too :). I'd love to find ways to further gamify the BOINC / Gridcoin experience - if only I had the coding skills to do it!

Good to see someone that's been BOINCing for so long here :) how did you find out about Gridcoin if you don't mind me asking?

Handicapped phones are great - they may not contribute the most computing power, but like you say - at least they aren't being thrown away! I have all manner of 'junk' laptops and phones here - damaged screens, network blocked, missing batteries.. if I can get them powered on and functional enough, then you can be sure I'll get them crunching! :)


I'd love to find ways to further gamify the BOINC / Gridcoin experience - if only I had the coding skills to do it!

Me too man, I wish I studied something in IT since i'm fiddling with computers half of the time.. 😄
You did some very good looking art on GRC though. By the way: I hope you didn't mind I used some of your artwork for my gridcoin scribblings on steemit here.

Good to see someone that's been BOINCing for so long here :) how did you find out about Gridcoin if you don't mind me asking?

Running boinc wasn't a constant thing but last summer it was that time again to install Boinc, when I traded my desktop for a laptop, I stumbled on gridcoin when I was reading up on news for boinc on google. And I found Steemit through Gridcoin there after and traded some author rewards for a bit gridcoin.

I got a lot of unresponsive broken glass phones, they can be accessed with a mouse if you have a usb to micro usb adapter. They're weirdly hard to come by though but exist.