Time for a vacationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

I worked 15 years at my previous job as a developer on a construction machine control system. Many people opt for regularly switching jobs in order to stay up to date and challenge yourself, but my motto was always that if your are having fun there is no reason to stop. Right now Gridcoin is not fun. Because of this I have decided to take a couple of weeks off to do something else once is out and working smoothly.


Don't get me wrong. The actual Gridcoin development is a blast and we have so many good ideas in the pipeline, like researcher reward improvements, NeuralNet in Linux and beacon removal proposals. The dev team has grown into a very tight and friendly group which chats on Slack 24/7, and the mood, banter and joking in that team is phenomenal. The client has been taken pretty damn far the last couple of months and I am so grateful to have been a part of that team. However, what hasn't been taken pretty damn far is the state of the community. When I joined the coin this community was exceptional. Everyone was, and still is, super helpful and the term "negativity" didn't exist. A couple of months ago something changed into a downward spiral of overall hostility and negative feedback. One dangerous thing about negativity is that it is extremely contagious.

It doesn't matter that you post some great news when there is a bombardment of negative posts on just about every social media out there. Posts about upcoming changes are twisted into a condensed bullet point about the problems that aren't fixed until the upcoming version. Fix clients getting stuck and get 100 posts about superblock issues. Fix superblock issues and get 100 posts about instabilities. Fix instabilities and get 100 posts about... well, we'll see what the focus is after is released.

Sure, we have a lot of issues. Every software project, except maybe Propellerheads', have issues but we don't need to be told about them everywhere, all the time. I am fine with disgruntled users who are upset because of issues, they have all the right to be and that is actually a part of the challenge. But what's going on now is on a whole other level. This is about members deliberately focusing on the negative aspects as far as humanly possible. It gets very, very, very tiresome when one tiny minority keeps at it without any sign of stopping. It's like losing an MMA fight with no referee interfering. It's stressful, it's demoralizing and it takes the fun out of what you're doing. Thank God for the rest of the community who actually appreciate the work we do and bring fun back in.


I've been told to just shrug it off and ignore it, and that's what I have tried to do for quite a while. Eventually being shot from inside the community every single day, all day long gets to you. I'll clear my head and check from time to time back to see if the situation has changed. I will try to keep Github administration going until someone else can pick up the torch, but it will slow down a bit. I am not out for good and I will definitely come back soon, just not under these circumstances. See it as a vacation from the barrage of negativity.


It is tuff being on the lead on top and when anything goes wrong its on you. Thats a normal part of being a lead developer however the cancers that are out there who feel the need to attack the existence of the people who are trying to solve numerous problems is disturbing.

As personally being apart of the development team, I have seen all kinds of this activity and its disheartening. I cant even count how long and often we've all spent on trying to locate problems and find solutions that are viable for the wallet. We been attacked for unforeseen problems as well as old code problems that existed before but met conditions enough to finally pop out.

Since I've been here I've learned a lot through you and will miss the criticalness of your analysis. Honestly I don't see anyone who can actually fill the boots that you have been filling nor do I overly trust someone else to take over that position. A lot of us share the same vision for gridcoin and your direction helps refine all we see into an end product that is essential for the success of gridcoin.

I agree all the FUD/negativity has made me want to consider the same outcome as well. It is really sad someone takes a trusted position in the community and uses it to cause such FUD in the community. We fix a bunch of things and one thing happens to have problems and all the good gets snuffed out.

I know for a fact we have spent hundreds of hours each month investigating, testing, making solutions, and testing. Most of which we don't bill for but all this goes unseen by the community. You are by far the best person in the position you are and I hope you will remain in that position. Part of the reason I'm still doing what I do is we have someone like you doing what you do and doing the job well. Honestly I would of left to when considering the same before but you as well as a few others keep us going and on focus as well.

I hope the community will see your post as well as the various comments from the devs as well as long time community members as make decisions for themselves to do the research and find out the real facts. We as devs are always here to help and answer questions and luckily numerous people do come to us to clear the air.

Have a good vacation and my PR's will be held and waiting for you:)

Most of which we don't bill for but all this goes unseen by the community.

You should most certainly be billing such time, don't sell yourself short.

I agree but I would like to see the pot continue to be there for a very long time and grow the community.

Don't!! Do not sell yourself short!!

It's a petty that one of the most destructive members drives away one of the most constructive ones.

You have always been incredibly supportive of everyone I have seen you interact with, and I'm very sad to see you go. I hope you enjoy your break and that you decide to come back afterwards - this community would not be the same without you.

Thank you for all your work, and the endless chat. Enjoy the last of your endless sun. =)

I'm sorry that the more toxic individuals have gotten to you, it's always the least productive people that create the most drama/noise. I think it's advisable to simply mute and ignore these individuals & move towards promoting more productive communications platforms.

There are many inherent issues that come with working in a decentralized network/community - in a real business HR would get involved to mediate such situations, employees likewise have contracts which can be terminated and you can't make a new identity to walk right back in.

Likewise, we operate under all time zones (someone may be half asleep whilst others are flipping out), you can't tell any users level of sobriety nor their mental state before/during text communications which can compound conflict and everyone has their own personal agenda.

Thank you for this honest words. I think I know how you feel due to the negative feedback. Take you time to relax and let people recognize that Gridcoin needs you and that your work is important.
Thanks for what you have done for Gridcoin!

You deserve better from this community @ravonn. It's such a shame that the actions of one individual can do so much damage to the reputation and integrity of such an awesome coin. And now it's cost us one of our greatest assets, our phenomenal dev team (even if only temporarily). This FUD and negativity has to stop. It has gone on for too long and it's time for people to step up and call out the people behind it for what they really are: fearmongers.

Take whatever time you need to recharge your mental batteries and find some fun work without all the stress and personal attacks. We'll all be happy to see you return soon. Wishing you the best ravon <3

life is too short to deal with unending negativity. and often, the only answer is to get away from it. but you fought the good fight, and did some great work, so you can always be proud of that. I wish I had the solution for getting rid of well-fed trolls. But unfortunately, that problem is more pernicious than cancer. good luck, and take care of yourself!

Thanks alot for all the cool things you have done I understand your move .. we need to get to be a real community again !
I hope we can clear things out !
Until then I wish you good luck in your break and the time to clear your head !

Hi ravonn, I'm personally sad and extremely 'pissed' that the present atmosphere in the community has driven an extremely valuable member of the community to take a 'vacation'.
However I do understand.

As far as I'm concerned, to me, this is 'the straw that breaks the camel's back' and your decision has forced me to look inwards and make some adjustments of my own.

If we continue in this manner we will only create further animosity leading to the destruction of a community that I value and I really want to see flourish well into the future.

I believe that everyone in the community, including those who are ultimately responsible, must see the logic and wisdom in coming together and recreating the cohesive and optimistic community we used to have.

How we go about that recreation is the major problem at this time.

I humbly ask the community, as a whole, to put their minds together and come up with a solution.

At present I personally must admit to being in a 'negative frame of mind' and I am unable to put together a formula for repairing the damage which has been done.

Up until recently I have always tried to keep from becoming too involved and taking sides by sticking to an ethical/moral standpoint. However I can no longer say that I'm unbiased.

Therefore I'm going to take 'a back seat' until I see a solution put together by the rest of the community.

I will no longer involve myself in any discussions or arguments initiated by anyone in any of our communication channels.

I will be there for me and me alone.

I always had the feeling I got involved at the wrong moment. That is to say, some things looked not right from my starting point. I have gotten to know some very nice and helpful people. Of which you certainly are one. The system is decentralized but the project itself needs more centralization IMHO. It feels like a herd of lone wolves, like a boat with everyone on the rudder. Communication everywhere, everyone minding his own business, people pulling strange stunts, people having their own agenda,...

IMHO project management is what this project somehow needs. Without it only the most stubborn ones survive. (and maybe the ones with money)

My main motivation in gridcoin remains that I'm still BOINCing, no matter where gridcoin ends up. And sometimes I find this a pity because it could become much more.

This all probably sounds a bit more negative than I mean it. I will stick around for now, not in need of a vacation yet. But I fully understand it gets under your skin.

Have a nice vacation. I hope it doesn't turn into a retirement. Sincerely I thank you for everything!

The rumor is various Bitcoin factions used to DDoS each other when they got really riled up about something. Of course, censorship, banning, threats and FUD were considered normal practices there (and probably still are). Compared to that level of animosity, I find that Gridcoin is a great community and almost all polls show solid consensus on all important matters (most recently, fixed POS block rewards poll, 92% in favor). Some friction is unavoidable unfortunately, but its absence is usually even more worrying (because it often means that people are simply unaware of issues and are drinking the Kool Aid).