Dear @Grumpycat

in #grumpycat7 years ago (edited)

I first want to point out that I am not political and not looking for a discussion of any kind from you for what I'm about to write.

Now you might be thinking if I'm not political why are you writing a letter to none other the Mr @grumpycat? Good question. I will try and answer it.

Steemit, for the most part, has brought much needed joy into my life. So much joy in fact, that people in the real world have noticed how much happier I am and commented on it to me.

I am not a great writer, a great Steemian, or one that has power here at all.

What I am is the typical Steemit user that just wants to post about stuff I like and maybe get a few people to laugh while reading my posts.

To me, laughter is the thing that is lacking in the world today and if more people would learn to laugh the world be better off in every way.

I know nothing about bit bot's, have never used one and my brain goes numb if I have to sit for any length of time and hear about them. True. Anyone that knows me or has watched a video of mine and heard me say the word bots <shutter> knows I speak the truth here.

Saying all that, then why does it seem like I'm sticking my nose into a bumble bee nest by writing this post? Well, because I am and I'm not.

As you now can see if you have read this far Mr. @grumpycat my writing style is not up to most people's standards. This I know for a fact and have been publicly brought out for that fact. YET I still write my posts in my own way and hope some understand my way and like it.

It's a slow way to go about Steeming but after any time on Steemit you will know that nothing goes very fast except for red flags on posts by large holders of Steem

Now while I might not be up to snuff in my writing to belong in a place like The Writer's Block and hundreds of more groups just like that one. I'm okay with that.

There is a time and a place for everyone here on Steemit, no matter who you are, unless you are just posting photos of large breasted women, but even there, if you find an audience where all they want to look at is your boobs, Good Luck with that and keeping it going.

From what I have seen of Steemit and Steamians you will not go far with just posts of your boobs over and over. Soon people will want to read some kind of content to go along with something they have seen already.

So, with my very limited, nonpolitical knowledge of Steemit, once again, why am I writing a post addressed to you Mr. @grumpycat?

Well, I always try to look at the good side of people. I think, in your own way, you are trying to raise awareness to something you don't agree with by all your red flagging.

I have no idea what you are trying to raise awareness about because when your name comes up anywhere, my brain goes numb, and I just go find something else to read or do.

Then today I see @shadowspub post a message in a group we both happen to be in. She said her post got red flagged because of you Mr @grumpycat.

I was like ??????????? and then you made me read a bunch of things I really didn't care to today because I don't feel well and on top of that it's all political which makes me not a happy camper, in case you were wondering.

My complaint to you is how in the freaking world can you flag @shadowspub and think this is the right thing to do?

She does more for this community than most. She excepts people for who they are, people like ME. Someone that doesn't write up to her standards but yet when I go to PYPT she has never ONCE made me feel less, as a person than the guy that can write a poem that I don't understand and never will.

If you can flag @shadowspub who else have you flagged that doesn't have the knowledge to deal with what you just did to her post?

How is this a good thing to do when you are hurting very, very, very nice people by what you are doing? People that go out of their way to help new people on Steemit every day.

If you are upset with a person that you know is not a spammer can you not just write them a note and talk it over like two human beings? At least try and have a discussion before you permanently hurt someones hard earned reputation.

What happened to just being nice and talking about things to see if there is an easy way to resolve whatever issue it is you have instead of hurting so many by flagging them?

The site, Steemit, is getting larger and more and more people will come. More and more will try and steal our accounts and money we all worked so hard for. Don't you think this is a more important subject to put your SP weight behind then red flagging people like @shadowspub?

To conclude.

I don't know @shadowspub personally. I only interact with her from PYPT and from that have grown to respect her for the true Lady she is.

Please, Mr @grumpycat rethink your priorities when it comes to flagging and maybe use your power for something along the lines of stopping all the people that are now out there trying to steal money people have made by writing posts that others have enjoyed.

Now I have had my say, and do I really think it will do any good?

One never knows, do they, unless they ask or try. This I believe with all my heart.

So I did what I thought was correct in writing this letter.

Now, I'm taking my overtired self back to bed and hope when I wake up I don't have to read more troubling news about people I admire.

Thank you for your time,



thank you for your very kind words @snook. The actions of a bully are not rational except in their little minds.

you are welcome but I only wrote the truth about you and your great heart.

Your writing is just fine : )
much respect and admiration for you

Thank you for your kind words!!

Agreed. Thank you for standing tall and speaking where some others may remain silent!

That's how a community achieves fairness. (Fairness = validity AND reality.)

It's how a community achieves good outcomes.


Thank you for your kind words and comment!

You are a hero @snook, bravely standing against bullies, injustice, and tyrannical behavior of all kinds. I pledge to faithfully cower behind your skirts and quietly applaud and egg you on until the day you are slaughtered like a sardine headed for the canning factory. Right on girl, let'em have it! But let's just keep this little chat between you and me okay?

The day you cower is the day I learn to spell and we both know that is never going to happen LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

Love you brother of mine! hugs

Snook, you are the best!!! And I hope that when your tired self wakes up - it is a happy, not tired self!!!! ❤️

Thank you my wonderful, beautiful friend <3 today is a much better day!!

YET I still write my posts in my own way and hope some understand my way and like it.

Yes, please

Thank you :D and I will because I really don't know any other way LOLL

I absolutely love the way you write. Yeah, it's probably not up to the "PUBLISHING STANDARD" or something, but then neither is mine. This is much more a blog for me more than anything else (and I know what a lot of people think of posting unedited freewrites GASP) but that's what I love about your posts.

Instead of feeling like I'm reading the work of an AUTHOR (and there is NOTHING wrong with that at all), I feel like I've just met you for coffee and we're chatting... all except you get to talk until you're finished, and then I get to comment :) But maybe that's what it would be like in person as well!!!

At any rate, I appreciate your real-ness and I totally agree with you on wanting to get rid of all the crazy politics and stressful topics... especially lately! With steem being down so low, I just want to hang out and meet new friends.

With steem being down so low, I just want to hang out and meet new friends.

I don't look at the price of friends do that and I see what it does to them so I just don't..... and YOU <3 I love and someday we WILL have that coffee or whatever together and I think we will both just be talking at the same time :D

I don't look at the price of steem, or anything else for that matter, but I can't help but notice that I rarely ever make even one dollar on posts anymore!

And by the way, since you're active in various writing groups, you might want to check this out and spread the word to your groups:


We can now publish books on the Steem Blockchain! 😃

You clearly write from the heart, and that is the best way. I'm still new to Steemit and haven't encountered the bullies yet, but I thank you for bravely taking a stand. Hopefully, your vision for simple discourse rather than flagging will win out.

Thank you for your comment and your kind words!

Your pretty amazing and I'm always glad to read and listen to your wonderful posts. I'm proud of you for this message and I value you very much. I am sad when I hear this type of flagging. Take care.

Yeah, I feel like a much simpler method would be to downvote the bidbots, and even to downvote the posts that the bidbots upvoted by the amount of the bidbots' upvote. That would negate the value of the bidbot...if that was what you thought the bad behaviour was... I don't get trying to get at it in this roundabout way that has so much collateral damage.

I totally think bidbots are a bad idea. And that the wealthiest accounts have a greater duty to reward the best content/content providers if they want to see an improved steemit ecosystem, but they need to hire some professional curators or something to broaden their horizons, since their particular interests are fairly narrow and won't lead to a diverse ecosystem.

This is why the @freewritehouse April Fools Day joke rang some bells.

Thank you for your comment :)

I think, and would you agree? that those accounts with many millions of dollars worth of steem should be doing something more with it. For the platform to thrive, a broader swath of the userbase should have greater influence. Perhaps, as individuals, they could/should be spending some of that steem to fund creative projects: steem-funded movies, books, etc. There are small communities doing that, but they're such relatively small accounts. If they had more funding to build bigger, splashier projects, just think of what could be!