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RE: Steem for picks [STEEMGIG]

in #guitar7 years ago

@steevc I will have to dig around here, but I might have a few interesting ones. Worst case, we can marvel at the together, right? I have a a great deal of concert material (mostly hard rock & metal bands) ranging from Ozzfest 98' to just about before my kids were born circa priorities, what can I say.. I'll see what I can find this afternoon and check back. Happy Huntin' & Pickin'


Let me know. There is such a variety out there and they look cool on display. I'd like to add to my collection.

I haven't forgotten, have to locate my treasures. We moved a year ago & having toddlers - we must hide the I will update ASAP, my apologies!

No worries. Buzz me on the chat when you have the time

I found one small container, but I've misplaced my pick holder.. Never put all your picks in one basket..😆I did find a few of my favorites though! I love those DAVA control picks - I'm not sure where I caught that one, but it plays so sweet! I saved your steemchat contact, so we can chat. And, yes.. my cousin is Vinnie Moore! The reason I began playing guitar. I have a red Hondo electric guitar that was (my very first guitar), that he played at a family cookout and signed for me. I was about 12 years old at the time & he shred that old, used guitar like it was a million dollar axe. It blew me away. Music is a powerful motivator! I'll be going to see him again in a few months, first time in 20 years! I'll try to grab a pick for you @steevc, nothing like having a pick half melted by a world class guitar shredder 😎. Here are a few picks I found (have more pics, will share in chat so I don't bomb this feed):
IMG 1900

I can't get into chat right now, but those look interesting. Cool that Vinnie is your cousin. Did he give you lessons? I'm definitely no shredder. I'll check into chat later and we can discuss details. Cheers

No worries, I'm a full time father of two I don't much free time, but when I do - I have technical difficulties 😆. Having bandwidth issues here on SteemIt, due to my verbose nature!

Yea it is really awesome that I got to meet him. I likely would've put down the guitar if I hadn't had that experience. He's a great teacher, but I never took lessons (in any form). Wished I had, but I have always been told to just remain self taught - by many teachers. I admire quite a few classically trained guitarists that I know personally and they admire my untrained/ untamed style. Funny how all guitarists think, isn't it? No matter the style or skill level, there's a deep appreciation for the craft that we all share. That's rare in any arena, if you ask me! I sent you a chat message, so we can chat whenever our paths align 😎, cheers