Deep State does dirty deeds: Parkland version

in #gun7 years ago

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I'm an eco-feminist, not a "right-wing nutjob." Why do folks like me think the Parkland school mass murder is an orchestrated event? Odd happenstances.

No matter how righteous it feels to parrot the mainstream story, people are actually killed in false flags like 9/11: we do no-one a favor by ignoring warning signs that our rulers are using terror to control us citizens.

The spokes-kid for this event, David Hogg, just happened to interview students about gun control DURING the active shooting and lectured: "It's time to take a stand on gun control"... DURING THE SHOOTING.

That closet interview wasn't filmed during a "drill": he clearly states he filmed it during the active shooting. (He says it's 9:30am but the shooting didn't happen until 2:21pm.) He is the child of an ex-FBI agent and a VIP at CNN. His dad may now work for a special ops company.
There may be a cover-up of claims of more than one shooter. One student said she was walking with the shooter when she heard gunshots from the other side of the building (multiple shooters aren't the official story).

There was a drill earlier that day ("They told us they were going to have, like people being taken away screaming.") Orchestrated attacks usually have concurrent drills (9/11 had several.)

The kids' delight during interviews is strange; how quickly the event became an organized mass movement is an even stranger thing.

Although gun control seems sane, the same folks who shriek, "Trump is Hitler" say, "Give him all our guns!"

The shooter was known as a danger and had even been reported to the FBI several times; FBI did nothing. Was he under their protection? (Deep State uses people with mental illness who can be easily programmed as patsies).

Remember when mainstream media used a Syrian girl Bana al-Abed to spout propaganda for our illegal war against Syria? Once again, a child's opinion is suspiciously set on a pedestal; we are "heartless" to question them or their handlers' motivations. One student hero wasn't allowed on CNN because he didn't parrot their anti-gun agenda... then CNN accused him of lying.

Youtube censors videos on the topic, to ensure that Deep State is controlling the discourse. They just deleted many conservatives from Twitter and Medium.

Social media is full of hate directed at people who don't buy the official story. Why? If Democrats wanted gun control, they'd have legislated it when they had control of Senate and House under Obama. More likely they promote emotional issues that keep Americans arguing with each other instead of focussing on politicians' corruption like, for instance, proven 2016 primary election fraud. Our votes were the foundation of ALL our rights. Would it help to think of our votes as bullets?

The author VC Bestor is Director of the