RE: The Parkland "EVENT" - Something HORRIBLY OBVIOUS Everyone's Missing!
@ Surveyor1
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!!!!! With everything you said. It was just about two years ago now that I was having this exact same conversation with a young person that was aspiring to BE a teacher. I asked her WHAT she intended to do if a shooter ever entered her classroom. She didn't have an answer. Sadly, most teachers DON'T know what to do in a situation like that. So, I told her that what NEEDS to happen is to TRAIN, & ARM our teachers so that they are better able to PROTECT our children that we have entrusted to them 5 days a week every school year. I think that scared her a little, but she NEEDED to hear it. All teachers need to have that reality wake-up call. Schools are NOT what they were when I grew up. They're worse - not better, but at least I never worried about getting shot when I went to school. My God! And, just like Brian said, slapping a damn "gun free zone" sticker on a government building is NOT the answer. Clearly.