/** @title A contact to govern hybrid control over increases to the token supply.
* @notice A contract that acts as a custodian of the active token
* implementation, and an intermediary between it and the ‘true’ custodian.
* It preserves the functionality of direct custodianship as well as granting
* limited control of token supply increases to an additional key.
* @dev This contract is a layer of indirection between an instance of
* ERC20Impl and a custodian. The functionality of the custodianship over
* the token implementation is preserved (printing and custodian changes),
* but this contract adds the ability for an additional key
* (the 'limited printer') to increase the token supply up to a ceiling,
* and this supply ceiling can only be raised by the custodian.
* @author Gemini Trust Company, LLC
contract PrintLimiter is LockRequestable {
/// @dev The struct type for pending ceiling raises.
struct PendingCeilingRaise {
uint256 raiseBy;
/// @dev The reference to the active token implementation.
ERC20Impl public erc20Impl;
/// @dev The address of the account or contract that acts as the custodian.
address public custodian;
/** @dev The sole authorized caller of limited printing.
* This account is also authorized to lower the supply ceiling.
address public limitedPrinter;
/** @dev The maximum that the token supply can be increased to
* through use of the limited printing feature.
* The difference between the current total supply and the supply
* ceiling is what is available to the 'limited printer' account.
* The value of the ceiling can only be increased by the custodian.
uint256 public totalSupplyCeiling;
/// @dev The map of lock ids to pending ceiling raises.
mapping (bytes32 => PendingCeilingRaise) public pendingRaiseMap;
function PrintLimiter(
address _erc20Impl,
address _custodian,
address _limitedPrinter,
uint256 _initialCeiling
erc20Impl = ERC20Impl(_erc20Impl);
custodian = _custodian;
limitedPrinter = _limitedPrinter;
totalSupplyCeiling = _initialCeiling;
modifier onlyCustodian {
require(msg.sender == custodian);
modifier onlyLimitedPrinter {
require(msg.sender == limitedPrinter);
/** @notice Increases the token supply, with the newly created tokens
* being added to the balance of the specified account.
* @dev The function checks that the value to print does not
* exceed the supply ceiling when added to the current total supply.
* NOTE: printing to the zero address is disallowed.
* @param _receiver The receiving address of the print.
* @param _value The number of tokens to add to the total supply and the
* balance of the receiving address.
function limitedPrint(address _receiver, uint256 _value) public onlyLimitedPrinter {
uint256 totalSupply = erc20Impl.totalSupply();
uint256 newTotalSupply = totalSupply + _value;
require(newTotalSupply >= totalSupply);
require(newTotalSupply <= totalSupplyCeiling);
erc20Impl.confirmPrint(erc20Impl.requestPrint(_receiver, _value));
/** @notice Requests an increase to the supply ceiling.
* @dev Returns a unique lock id associated with the request.
* Anyone can call this function, but confirming the request is authorized
* by the custodian.
* @param _raiseBy The amount by which to raise the ceiling.
* @return lockId A unique identifier for this request.
function requestCeilingRaise(uint256 _raiseBy) public returns (bytes32 lockId) {
require(_raiseBy != 0);
lockId = generateLockId();
pendingRaiseMap[lockId] = PendingCeilingRaise({
raiseBy: _raiseBy
emit CeilingRaiseLocked(lockId, _raiseBy);
/** @notice Confirms a pending increase in the token supply.
* @dev When called by the custodian with a lock id associated with a
* pending ceiling increase, the amount requested is added to the
* current supply ceiling.
* NOTE: this function will not execute any raise that would overflow the
* supply ceiling, but it will not revert either.
* @param _lockId The identifier of a pending ceiling raise request.
function confirmCeilingRaise(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
PendingCeilingRaise storage pendingRaise = pendingRaiseMap[_lockId];
// copy locals of references to struct members
uint256 raiseBy = pendingRaise.raiseBy;
// accounts for a gibberish _lockId
require(raiseBy != 0);
delete pendingRaiseMap[_lockId];
uint256 newCeiling = totalSupplyCeiling + raiseBy;
// overflow check
if (newCeiling >= totalSupplyCeiling) {
totalSupplyCeiling = newCeiling;
emit CeilingRaiseConfirmed(_lockId, raiseBy, newCeiling);
/** @notice Lowers the supply ceiling, further constraining the bound of
* what can be printed by the limited printer.
* @dev The limited printer is the sole authorized caller of this function,
* so it is the only account that can elect to lower its limit to increase
* the token supply.
* @param _lowerBy The amount by which to lower the supply ceiling.
function lowerCeiling(uint256 _lowerBy) public onlyLimitedPrinter {
uint256 newCeiling = totalSupplyCeiling - _lowerBy;
// overflow check
require(newCeiling <= totalSupplyCeiling);
totalSupplyCeiling = newCeiling;
emit CeilingLowered(_lowerBy, newCeiling);
/** @notice Pass-through control of print confirmation, allowing this
* contract's custodian to act as the custodian of the associated
* active token implementation.
* @dev This contract is the direct custodian of the active token
* implementation, but this function allows this contract's custodian
* to act as though it were the direct custodian of the active
* token implementation. Therefore the custodian retains control of
* unlimited printing.
* @param _lockId The identifier of a pending print request in
* the associated active token implementation.
function confirmPrintProxy(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
/** @notice Pass-through control of custodian change confirmation,
* allowing this contract's custodian to act as the custodian of
* the associated active token implementation.
* @dev This contract is the direct custodian of the active token
* implementation, but this function allows this contract's custodian
* to act as though it were the direct custodian of the active
* token implementation. Therefore the custodian retains control of
* custodian changes.
* @param _lockId The identifier of a pending custodian change request
* in the associated active token implementation.
function confirmCustodianChangeProxy(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
/// @dev Emitted by successful `requestCeilingRaise` calls.
event CeilingRaiseLocked(bytes32 _lockId, uint256 _raiseBy);
/// @dev Emitted by successful `confirmCeilingRaise` calls.
event CeilingRaiseConfirmed(bytes32 _lockId, uint256 _raiseBy, uint256 _newCeiling);
/// @dev Emitted by successful `lowerCeiling` calls.
event CeilingLowered(uint256 _lowerBy, uint256 _newCeiling);
function requestCeilingRaise(uint256 _raiseBy) public returns (bytes32 lockId)
function confirmCeilingRaise(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian
function lowerCeiling(uint256 _lowerBy) public onlyLimitedPrinter
function confirmPrint(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian
function confirmCustodianChange(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian
function confirmPrintProxy(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian
function confirmCustodianChangeProxy(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian
function confirmPrint(bytes32 _lockId) public onlyCustodian {
PendingPrint storage print = pendingPrintMap[_lockId];
// reject ‘null’ results from the map lookup
// this can only be the case if an unknown `_lockId` is received
address receiver = print.receiver;
require (receiver != address(0));
uint256 value = print.value;
delete pendingPrintMap[_lockId];
uint256 supply = erc20Store.totalSupply();
uint256 newSupply = supply + value;
if (newSupply >= supply) {
erc20Store.addBalance(receiver, value);
emit PrintingConfirmed(_lockId, receiver, value);
erc20Proxy.emitTransfer(address(0), receiver, value);
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