Stop What You're Doing And Check To See If Your Email is in This 1.5 Billion Data Breach: Change Gmail Passwords Now

I follow a number of infosec and cybersecurity pros on Twitter, and one from Kim Crawley caught my attention.
I learned that 1.5 billion email addresses and passwords have been leaked, and circulating around the internet right now. Here's the tool where you can check to see if your info has been compromised. Input your email address and other details to see if your passwords have been comprimised: (This is not related to Steem accounts)
From Peerlyst, the site that published this info we learn:
What’s really striking about this data breach, other than how massive it is, is that the database of leaked data wasn’t published on the Dark Web as usual. It was found on the bittorrent networks, like seasons of Orange is The New Black and entire pop star discographies. The leaker wanted these records to be distributed to as many people as possible. Why?
I would advise you to change your passwords to gmail right away if you find that your address is listed in this current dump. And if you don't have Google Authenticator 2FA set up on your gmail accounts, do so right now.
But please NEVER USE SMS text messages as your 2FA.

Only use Google Authenticator app (Android and iOS) and Yubikeys, which are physical keys. You can also use your Trezor as a Two Factor Authentication key device for your accounts.
People, this is worth educating yourself about. Crypto is only as good as your security habits. Take time today to understand how to protect yourself, and you will sleep better.
I have written some guides about Two Factor Authentication and how you need to get rid of using SMS text messaging as your 2FA, because this is how people are getting hacked. Google Authenticator is a good 2FA to use, so switch to this as soon as possible. Read more from my article here:
This update has nothing to do with Steem accounts, just email and other accounts, as far as I know.
Thanks for reading,
Thanks @stellabelle ;-)
Another tool to check if your secrets were compromised is made by Troy Hunt, and of course 2FA is the must have in nowadays ;-) no excuses!
thanks for the added resource.
Mine was on the list. I use 2factor authentication, but it looks like its time to change some passwords. Thanks @stellabelle!
Thank you for this information ...I did a search and fortunately my accounts do not appear in this data...
Am happy about this info. Am one of the people using SMS as a 2FA factor I thin i have to change that right away and also check the list if my mail is not among. Thanks**
I couldn't figure out how to use the tool you provided but the haveibeenpwned one seemed to work, thanks for the heads up!
edit: your tool worked on my second try, thanks!
Sangat menarik
Thanks @stellabelle I'm changing it right away before confirming. I have this habit of changing it once in a while though.
Thank you for this message! I checked it out and some of my emails accounts seem to be leaked. More specifically 3 of them! all of them on January.
But I haven't used them in a long time. The email accounts that I currently use seem to be fine...
I just checked as you said and wow,my email is safe....Am going to set Google Authenticator straight away.