Bilderberg Website Hacked! Hackers Issue Ultimatum

in #hackers8 years ago


The Bilderberg website has been hacked

and the alleged hackers have issued an ultimatum to the secretive group.


"What the heel? We got hacked!" ~Bilderberg Security Cam

They gave props to Phineas Fisher and his hack back campaign. Seen here:

Thanks Dan. Great video.

Great stuff as always Dan, we are thankful for what you do.

My post on here on this to double up the info is on my page. Have a nice weekend brother

Question everything, even this. These politicians elite have a very twisted mind. They like to reveal part of their agenda. Movies like star wars or the matrix are good examples. Their agenda will only work if people consent to it, they have to reveal it to know if people consent. This is why they use symbolism so much, they want you to worship satan too, they want you to go along everything they do including pedophelia ( which is probably why pizzagate make mainstream news). They want these things to become the norm
For all we know this is a stunt to give anonymous credit, because they possibly control that group. We know that they control a lot of the dissident groups, the only existence of these groups is a road block to their agenda because they need everyone to consent. Remember the NWO will not force anything upon you, you will be begging for it. The police/military state narrative is meant to create fear in you, it's not meant to actually force you to do something.
The question you should be asking is: Why can't the most powerful org on earth protect a simple website from being hacked ?

Judging from the message and considering how many people in this "elite group" I've actually met IRL, I'd say someone forgot to upgrade their wordpress install or some script kiddie guessed the default admin password. Most of these guys are the type to get their email printed out and read to them by their personal assistant. Not really a shining example of technical literacy.

A bunch of rich and hugely influential people, yes. A conspiracy, hardly.

Agreed, except on one point. B'bergers aren't the most powerful organization in the world. They are only one of dozens of organizations that are under the direct or indirect control of an influential group with a 150 year history. Nothing is ever heard of them.

If nothing is ever heard of them how do you know about them? Who are they? What are their motives?

I read a book by John Coleman, 'Conspirators Hierarchy, The Committee of 300". It seems to be available on Amazon if you're interested. Their goal is nothing short of total world domination and control. Of course a person has to read these sorts of things critically, and question everything, but this story is very compelling. Enough so that I wouldn't go singing about the committee of 300 like a canary to just anyone. They are made up of mostly old European and British nobility, they hide in plain sight.